I would like to automatically add a glyph filter and render the correctly scaled spheres after the user has opened a file in my custom dock widget.
I created a DockWidget using the example in /examples/Plugins/DockWidget.
When pressing a button a specific file is being opened for the user by the following calls:

 void on_button_clicked()

    QStringList  visuFiles;


    pqPipelineSource*  pqPlinesource  =  


   // TODO:
   // add spherical glyph for loaded polyData
   // scale spherical glyphs by a scalar attribute/property
   // render glyphs


I would like to include that the code automatically adds spherical glyphs and renders them for the data just loaded.

I tried the following code but I am not sure if it works


        vtkObjectBase  *myObject  =  myProxy->GetClientSideObject();

        vtkAlgorithm  *myvtkAlgo  =  vtkAlgorithm::SafeDownCast(myObject);

        vtkGlyph3D  *myspheres  =   vtkGlyph3D::New();


In case this is supposed to work, how can I now update the pipeline and render the spheres using C++ PV core functionality ? (The user should also see the result in the pipeline browser dock of the GUI).

In case my approach is totally wrong, what would be the right way of handling this situation ?

Thank you.

Best regards,

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