Dear Utkarsh,

Just yesterday I stumbled over vtkImplicitTextureCoords. Could that be used to achieve my initial idea, ie to avoid the paraview clipper for clipping images "roughly"? I managed to create an xml-file that loads as a filter-plugin in paraview but after execution, there seems to be no texture available to use for rendering. I'm not sure if using ProxyProperty, ProxyGroupDomain and ProxyListDomain is doing the same for a filter instead of a source as in Your original XML. Are those tags the same as InputProperty, DataTypeDomain otherwise used for the input of a filter-plugin?
If that is correct, what else could I be missing?

Many thanks for looking into this.

On 26/08/13 15:06, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
Many thanks for Your reply, Your effort to create an XML-plugin and the bug
report. Would it help to compile paraview from source with
Module_vtkImagingStencil set to ON on our own platform for testing or is
there some code adjustment of paraview necessary to allow that?

No, it won't help. I did exactly that an ran into issues with
vtkImageStencil and ParaView. Evidently, we hadn't tried to use that
data-object in ParaView before.

I guess it would not help to specify the location of a separately compiled 

You are correct, it will not help. We need to track the issue down on
the ParaView side first.

Do I understand correctly that with using port_index= You specify which
output should go to which input?

That is correct. If not specified, 0 is assumed.

What is calling e.g. the vtkImplicitPlaneWidget to get the interaction
widget for specifying the implicit function parameters?

In this case, it's the "ProxyListDomain" associated with the
"ImplicitFunction" property. The domain refers to proxies viz.
("implicit_functions", "Plane"), etc. If you look at the xml
definitions for the same in ParaView
you'll see that it provides a "<Hints>" section that suggests a
"PropertyGroup" of type "Plane". That's what's causing the GUI to show
the vtkImplicitPlaneWidget to control the Origin and Normal

Hope that clarifies things a bit.


Dr. Roman Grothausmann

Tomographie und Digitale Bildverarbeitung
Tomography and Digital Image Analysis

Institut für Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie, OE 4120
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
D-30625 Hannover

Tel. +49 511 532-9574

  <ProxyGroup name="filters">
    <SourceProxy name="ImageStencil"
                 label="Image Stencil">
      <InputProperty command="SetInputConnection" name="Input">
        <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
          <!-- <DataType value="vtkImageData" /> -->
          <DataType value="vtkDataSet" />
        <Documentation>This property specifies the input image data.
      <!-- <InputProperty command="SetRFunction" name="ImplicitFunction"> -->
      <!--   <DataTypeDomain name="groups"> -->
      <!--     <Group name="implicit_functions" /> -->
      <!--   </DataTypeDomain> -->
      <ProxyProperty command="SetRFunction" name="ImplicitFunction">
        <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
          <Group name="implicit_functions" />
        <ProxyListDomain name="proxy_list">
          <Proxy group="implicit_functions" name="Plane" />
          <Proxy group="implicit_functions" name="Box" />
          <Proxy group="implicit_functions" name="Sphere" />
        <!--   <DataTypeDomain name="input_type"> -->
        <!--   <DataType value="vtkImplicitFunction" /> -->
        <!-- </DataTypeDomain> -->
        <Documentation>This property specifies the stencil input.</Documentation>
      <!-- </InputProperty> -->

      <IntVectorProperty name="ReverseStencil"
        <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
        <Documentation>Reverse the stencil.</Documentation>
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