Hello, my name is Leonardo Pessanha and i work at the Computational Methods
and Engineering lab at COPPE-UFRJ in a scientific visualization project and
i've facing some problems dealing with immesive paraview

I am working in a Windows 7 - 64 bit environment
I've compiled paraview 4.0.1 with qt 4.8.2 - Microsoft MPI (4.2.4400.0) -
vrpn 7.31 using VS2008
My stereoscopic system is passive and i am using the
--stereo-type=SplitViewportHorizontal flag
My tracking system is from ARTrack, and so far, i am only interested in the
interactions, letting the headtracking for later

First, i would like to know if there's any major changes/fixes in the
immersive part of paraview from the 4.0.1 to the 4.2.0 that justifies a new
compilation. It would be positive?

After setting up the server and loading the VRPN plugin I've succeeded
adding the grab interaction with the Model Transform Matrix but i had some

It took me a while to understand that my center of rotation was 0 , 0 , 0 -
and i would like to know if there's a way of changing that. My data is
usually VTK Structured_Point and the format uses the 0 , 0 , 0 as the lower
left point of the data, so it would be useful to change the center of
rotation to the center of the object.


Sometimes while doing translation i have a weird flickering movement that
i've managed to control using the TrackerTransform value

1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1

I don't know why it worked, and i don't know why it doesn't work changing
some of the matrix values, so i would like to understand a little better
since i am a little blind in that aspect


Right now i am trying to find a solution on the model illumination. I don't
know why but only the backface of my model is illuminated. It's like the
illumination camera position does not change at all, only the view camera.
A way around that is flipping the normals but it does not solve my problem
since only a part of the model is affected by the flip

I've read in the participants page that the ARL contributed with the CAVE
display. It would be a good idea to contact them?

I would be glad to share more details if it's needed.

I would really appreciate if someone could help in any of this aspects.
Thanks in advance

Leonardo Pessanha,
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