Hi  Ondřej,

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.cer...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am testing the new vtkBlockColors feature in the latest Paraview (I
> am using 0a4ad038370beb6d30f51f43e32555b3adcea123), as introduced in
> the blog post: http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/859
> Currently the legend shows colors with numbers 0-6. However, many
> times the sidesets in an ExodusII file are not labeled like that. I am
> attaching a screenshot with an example. As you can see, both the
> Properties as well as Multi-block Inspector shows the correct side set
> ID numbers (1, 5, 10, 15), but the vtkBlockColors legend shows numbers
> 0-6.
> Note that if I color by vtkCompositeIndex, the legend shows the
> correct side set ID, but the problem is that it's a continuous legend,
> and the colors are close to each other, so it's hard (essentially
> impossible) to tell what the ID is from the color.

Could you set 'Interpret Values as Categories' in the Color Map Editor?
Than, in the Annotations panel press 'Add active values from Selected
Source' and
then 'Choose preset' to to desired color palette.

> I understand the user case when there is thousands of blocks. But I
> think there is also a use case when there is relatively few (~10)
> boundary conditions, and you just want to see them all at once using a
> legend, so that you can take a screenshot and send it to somebody.
> Maybe there can be some check-box that would switch the two modes of
> the legend.

See the previous suggestion. I think that will give you the desired result.

> Currently the best way seems to be to use vtkBlockColors, and then
> send a screenshot that includes the Multi-block Inspector window,
> which also shows the colors and proper IDs.
> There is also the issue of Block ID versus Side Set ID (as a side set
> can have the same id as a block set), I usually turn one or the other
> off in Multi-block Inspector, then they are not mixed.

Indeed, the ID we use is the index resulted from traversing the block tree.

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