
I use paraview to render ocean model data. My datasets are usually
rectilinear grids, cell data and / or point data. Frequently I want to mask
points that are below the level of topography, so I usually set those
points to NaN when preparing my data for paraview.

I do a lot of volume rendering, so I am very familiar with the opacity
mapping options within the colormap editor. The colormap editor allows you
to choose your NaN color, but this dialog doesn't include an alpha /
opacity option. Would that be difficult to add? It would really help me.

Instead, what I have to do is use a clip filter to mask the NaNs, which
ends up turning my rectilinear grid data into unstructure grid data, with
significant performance and memory impacts. If NaNs could be made
transparent at the level of the color map editor, it would make my pipeline
much more efficient.

Is this a feature that might be supported in future releases?

Ryan Abernathey
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