> are you sure you don't mean that only printf/std:::cout from rank 0 is 
> visible?
I also thought that it might be a visibility issue, thus I opened a file with 
std::ofstream on each rank with the rank id encoded in the filename. Only one 
file ever gets created, though, and it is the one with “0” in the name.

> but I actual fact the other pvservers are fine. Create a sphere and check if 
> it has N pieces.
I did that and visualized it by vtkProcessId. The number of ids indeed matches 
the number of ranks, so I guess nothing fundamental is wrong with the MPI use 
within ParaView. I just can’t fathom why the reader plugin does not run in 
parallel. Just to be sure, I added a call 


in RequestData and indeed, ParaView gets stuck there, as apparently the 
collective call is never issued from any rank != 0.


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