=== Call for papers: ISAV: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling
Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization ===
an SC15 Workshop, Monday afternoon 16 November 2015
Event web page: http://vis.lbl.gov/Events/ISAV-2015/

This workshop brings together researchers, developers and practitioners
from industry, academia, and government laboratories who use in situ
methods in extreme-scale, high performance computing. The goal is to
present existing in-situ infrastructures, reference examples in a range of
science and engineering applications, to discuss topics like opportunities
presented by new architectures; existing infrastructure needs,
requirements, and gaps; and experiences to foster and enable in situ
analysis and visualization.

The considerable interest in the HPC community regarding in situ analysis
and visualization is due to several factors. First is an I/O cost savings,
where data is analyzed/visualized while being generated, without first
storing to a filesystem. Second is the potential for increased accuracy,
where fine temporal sampling of transient analysis might expose some
complex behavior missed in coarse temporal sampling. Third is the ability
to use all available resources, CPU’s and accelerators, in the computation
of analysis products.

In Situ processing is still a relatively new idea, and up until recently,
most implementations have been ad hoc, proof-of-concept prototypes.
However, several in situ infrastructure implementations have emerged.
ParaView and VisIt both provide tools for in situ analysis and
visualization. ParaView Catalyst can be  linked to a simulation, allowing
the simulation to share data with Catalyst for visualization. Similar
capabilities are available within VisIt with the libsim library. Both
Catalyst (through Live) and libsim enable the opposite flow of information,
sending data from the client to the simulation, enabling the possibility of
simulation steering. ADIOS and GLEAN allow simulations to adopt in situ
techniques by leveraging their advanced I/O infrastructures that enable
co-analysis pipelines rather than changing the simulator. The non-intrusive
integration provide resilience to third party library bugs and possible
jitter in the simulation.
Participation/Call for Papers
We invite short (4-page) papers that identify opportunities, challenges and
case studies/best practices for in situ analysis and visualization. These
papers could propose actions, or provide position, or experience reports on
in situ analysis and visualization.

Areas of interest for ISAV, include, but are not limited to:
* In situ infrastructures
 - Current Systems: production quality, research prototypes
 - Opportunities
 - Gaps
* System resources, hardware, and emerging architectures
 - Enabling Hardware
 - Hardware and architectures that provide opportunities for In situ
processing, such as burst buffers, staging computations on I/O nodes,
sharing cores within a node for both simulation and in situ processing

* Examples/Case studies
 - Best practices
 - Analysis: feature detection, statistical methods, temporal methods,
geometric methods
 - Visualization: information visualization, scientific visualization,
time-varying methods
 - Data reduction/compression

* Simulation
 - Integration:data modeling, software-engineering
 - Resilience: error detection, fault recovery
 - Workflows for supporting complex in situ processing pipelines

* Requirements
 - Preserve important elements
 - Significantly reduce the data size
 - Flexibility for post-processing exploration

== Submitting Papers ==
Submissions are limited to 4 pages in the ACM format (see
http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). The 4-page
limit includes figures, tables, and appendices, but does not include
references, for which you may use up to one additional page.
Please submit your paper via the ISAV 2015 EasyChair submission page at

== Timelines/Important Dates: ==
1 August 2015     Paper submission deadline
1 September 2015  Author notification
15 September 2015 Camera ready copy due
mid-October 2015  Final program posted to ISAV web page
16 November 2015  ISAV workshop

== Organizers/Program Committee ==

 E. Wes Bethel, ewbet...@lbl.gov, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
 Venkatram Vishwanath, ven...@anl.gov, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
 Gunther H. Weber, ghwe...@lbl.gov, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
 Matthew Wolf, mw...@cc.gatech.edu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Program Committee
 Utkarsh Ayachit, Kitware Inc., USA
 Earl P.N. Duque,  Intelligent Light, USA
 Nicola Ferrier, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
 Burlen Loring, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
 Dmitriy Morozov, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
 Patrick O’Leary, Kitware Inc., USA
 Manish Parashar, Rutgers, USA
 Karsten Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
 Alex Sim, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
 Brad Whitlock, Intelligent Light, USA
 Kesheng (John) Wu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
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