On 05/22/2015 07:28 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
Can you make sure the "Remote Render Threshold" is set to 0?
It is
Also, do you have an X server running (and accessible) on the backend
nodes? You're not using "ssh -X" to login to the backend nodes, right?
I do start an X server on the backend (and I don't use ssh -X). However,
when I test the configuration using glxgears,
I see the window with the gears but they don't turn even though the app
tells me how many frames
it rendered every 5 seconds.
My setup goes from my desktop (with GPU) through a front-end node
(without GPU) to the backend (with GPU). Maybe some additional
configuration is needed.
It seems like I need to get glxgears working properly before I try
Paraview. What should I try? Thanks.
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Jeff Becker <jeffrey.c.bec...@nasa.gov> wrote:
Hi. I created a VTK unstructured grid (.vtu) file for a 500 by 500 by 500
point data set. In order to visualize it, I fire up 8 pvservers on my GPU
multicore backend node using:
mpirun -np 8 pvserver --client-host=XXX --use-offscreen-rendering
and connect to the root server from my ParaView client. I then open my vtu
file and hit apply, I can see the file gets read in, and then nothing much
else happens except X on my client grows to fill all of memory, and my
client system (my desktop) becomes unusable. I'm guessing that the client is
getting overwhelmed with X requests.
What am I doing wrong, and how to fix?
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