Dear mailing list members,

Is it possible to assign a 2D texture image to an object that has TCords in 
I found quite a few people trying and reporting that it does not work nor does the Trace Option under paraview tell what happens if a texture is assigned in the GUI:

I've tried:

    import paraview.simple as pvs

    reader = pvs.OpenDataFile("test.png)
    print reader.GetDataInformation().GetBounds() # needs UpdatePipeline

    obj = pvs.Plane()
    plane1Display = pvs.Show(obj)
    plane1Display.Texture = reader

    dp = pvs.GetDisplayProperties(obj)
    dp.Representation = 'Surface With Edges'

    dp.Texture = reader

but neither plane1Display.Texture nor dp.Texture seem to allow to set the texture (see error below)

Any help or hints are very much appreciated

RROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkPVSessionCore.cxx, line 390 vtkPVSessionCore (0x258c2e0): Object type: vtkGlyph3DRepresentation, could not find requested method: "SetTexture"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
  Argument 0 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkGlyph3DRepresentation (0x551b0a0)}
  Argument 1 = string_value {SetTexture}
  Argument 2 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkImageFileSeriesReader (0x4f68190)}

ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkPVSessionCore.cxx, line 391
vtkPVSessionCore (0x258c2e0): Aborting execution for debugging purposes.

############ ABORT #############
ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkSIProxy.cxx, line 134
vtkSISourceProxy (0x551af30): Error pushing property state: Texture

global_id: 396
location: 21
[] {
  name: "Texture"
  value {
    type: INPUT
    proxy_global_id: 350
    port_number: 0
ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkPVSessionCore.cxx, line 390 vtkPVSessionCore (0x258c2e0): Object type: vtkOutlineRepresentation, could not find requested method: "SetTexture"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
  Argument 0 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkOutlineRepresentation (0x5549800)}
  Argument 1 = string_value {SetTexture}
  Argument 2 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkImageFileSeriesReader (0x4f68190)}

ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkPVSessionCore.cxx, line 391
vtkPVSessionCore (0x258c2e0): Aborting execution for debugging purposes.

############ ABORT #############
ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkSIProxy.cxx, line 134
vtkSISourceProxy (0x5549690): Error pushing property state: Texture

global_id: 407
location: 21
[] {
  name: "Texture"
  value {
    type: INPUT
    proxy_global_id: 350
    port_number: 0
ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkPVSessionCore.cxx, line 390 vtkPVSessionCore (0x258c2e0): Object type: vtkGeometryRepresentationWithFaces, could not find requested method: "SetTexture"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
  Argument 0 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkGeometryRepresentationWithFaces 
  Argument 1 = string_value {SetTexture}
  Argument 2 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkImageFileSeriesReader (0x4f68190)}

ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkPVSessionCore.cxx, line 391
vtkPVSessionCore (0x258c2e0): Aborting execution for debugging purposes.

############ ABORT #############
ERROR: In /opt/compilation/paraview-git/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/Core/vtkSIProxy.cxx, line 134
vtkSISourceProxy (0x5afc8e0): Error pushing property state: Texture

global_id: 440
location: 21
[] {
  name: "Texture"
  value {
    type: INPUT
    proxy_global_id: 350
    port_number: 0

Dr. Roman Grothausmann

Tomographie und Digitale Bildverarbeitung
Tomography and Digital Image Analysis

Institut für Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie, OE 4120
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
D-30625 Hannover

Tel. +49 511 532-2900
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