
The ghost zones are the contents of the ghost zones stored from the
calculation. They overlap into the hydro from neighboring processors (the
silo library stores a block per processor the way we're using it in our
code.)  If I leave them in there, I get artifacts.  I'm actually
thresholding out a variable called 'avtGhostZones', which the silo
libraries call the stored ghost zone values.


Cell Data to Point Data is the only way I know of to activate the contour
filter for silo files.  The results are stored in cell arrays, which
apparently don't activate the contour filter.  I stumbled upon using Cell
Data to Point Data by accident, so if there's a better way to do this, I'm
open to it.


-David Ortley

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Moreland, Kenneth <> wrote:

> Have you tried doing the threshold last (after the contour) rather than
> first? Generally, ParaView relies on ghost zones (cells) to avoid artifacts
> across process boundaries.
> -Ken
> From: ParaView <> on behalf of David Ortley <
> Date: Monday, February 8, 2016 at 1:14 PM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Parallel unfriendly filters?
> I'm running Paraview in client/server mode with the server running on an
> HPC platform across multiple nodes.
> My input is a multi-block silo file that contains ghost zone information.
> The way I do a seamless contour when visualizing on my workstation is to do
> the following:
> Load the silo file
>     -> Threshold out the ghost zones (threshold filter)
>         -> Merge the blocks
>             -> Cell data to point data
>                 -> Contour
> This works well enough when on a single machine.  But when visualizing
> client/server with the server running across multiple nodes, there appear
> seams on the contours.
> Is this an expected behavior given my setup?  Are any of the filters that
> I listed above (Threshold, Merge Blocks, Cell data to point data, and
> Contour) not fully implemented in parallel yet?
> nb - I've not spent a lot of time trying to debug the problem, so I don't
> know if the problem exists when a server is running on a single node only.
> It looks like something that is happening at node boundaries, but I could
> be wrong and it could be a per/processor thing.
> Thanks.
> -David Ortley
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