
When you say you're "set the range of the contours from -0.0001 to
0.0001 but the contours levels revert back to automatic scaling", what
do you mean? Do you mean you're setting separationline.Isosurfaces to
be values in the given range, but the rendered countour is still the
same old value?

If so, there was a with how the contour filter was modified when the
contour values where changed that was fixed recently. You may want to
give 5.0.1 a try to see if you can reproduce the issue with 5.0.1.


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Nikolaos Beratlis
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running a small python code with pvbatch that read a XDMF file and
> plots contours:
>     cf_VP_anim_xmf = XDMFReader(
> FileName=wdir+'VPfield_files/XDMF/cf_VP'+index[i]+'.xmf' )
>     cf_VP_anim_xmf.CellArrays = []
>     cf_VP_anim_xmf.Sets = []
>     cf_VP_anim_xmf.PointArrays = ['Cf']
>     RenderView1 = GetRenderView()
>     a1_Cf_PVLookupTable = GetLookupTableForArray( "Cf", 1 )
>     Cfcontours = Show()
>     Cfcontours.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.50000762951094835]
>     Cfcontours.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = 'Cf'
>     Cfcontours.ScalarOpacityFunction = []
>     Cfcontours.ColorArrayName = 'Cf'
>     Cfcontours.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 2.4071425938556859
>     Cfcontours.LookupTable = a1_Cf_PVLookupTable
>     Cfcontours.ScaleFactor = 15.0
>     cf_VP_anim_xmf.Grids = ['STL Grid']
>     RenderView1.CacheKey = 2.0
>     RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [288.47079837284241,
> 299.16435388730815]
>     RenderView1.UseCache = 0
>     a1_Cf_PVLookupTable = GetLookupTableForArray( "Cf", 1,
> RGBPoints=[-0.0001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
> LockScalarRange=1, ColorSpace='HSV' )
>     separationline = Contour( PointMergeMethod="Uniform Binning" )
>     separationline.ContourBy = ['POINTS', 'Cf']
>     separationline.Isosurfaces = [0.0]
>     DataSeparationLine = Show()
>     DataSeparationLine.ScaleFactor = 12.321390008926393
>     DataSeparationLine.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = 'Cf'
>     DataSeparationLine.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.50000762951094835]
>     DataSeparationLine.LineWidth = 2.0
>     DataSeparationLine.DiffuseColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
>     DataSeparationLine.ColorArrayName = ''
>     Cfcontours.Visibility = 1
>     #--- Setup view
>     RenderView1 = GetRenderView()
>     RenderView1.Background = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
>     RenderView1.CenterAxesVisibility = 0
>     RenderView1.OrientationAxesVisibility = 0
>     RenderView1.ViewSize = [1450, 300]
>     RenderView1.InteractionMode = '3D'
>     RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [120.40716073726786,
> 126.85668499830999]
>     RenderView1.CameraPosition = [25.95, 41.63, 1.43]
>     RenderView1.CameraFocalPoint = [4.31, 5.36, 4.77]
>     RenderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.93, -0.36, -0.053]
>     #--- Uncomment for 2D Interaction Mode
>     #RenderView1.CameraParallelScale = 5.5
>     a1_Cf_PVLookupTable = GetLookupTableForArray( "Cf", 1,
> RGBPoints=[-0.0001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], LockScalarRange=1
> )
>     #--- Export image
>     Render()
>     WriteImage(wdir+'POSTPRO/IMAGES/cf_view1_'+index[i]+'.jpg')
> I set the range of the contours from -0.0001 to 0.0001 but the contours
> levels revert back to automatic scaling instead of the range that I specify.
> I am using version 3.98 of Paraview but I also tried with version 4.1.0. Why
> is this happening? Do I miss something in my script?
> Nikos
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