Dear Utkarsh, I tried to reproduce the error as described in my previous email, but haven't been able to until now, don't know what happend. The attached code attaches to a pvserver at localhost:11111 and adds a sphere every half second. Unfortunately it crashes as soon as I connect ParaView to the same server. I guess I'll have to give up programming ParaView and work the old way, writing VTK files and loading them in ParaView. It is way too complicated.
Peter 2016-06-24 7:08 GMT+02:00 Peter Debuchev <>: > Thank you for the patch. There is still something missing. If I modify the > custom client such that it adds an object every half second or so, then > first start this clients and then ParaView after a few seconds, ParaView > misses one of the objects. ParaView finds those objects that are added > before ParaView starts and those that are added later. But during ParaView > startup one of the objects is lost. > I'll see if I can make this reproducible and send a code example in the > next days. > > Peter > > 2016-06-22 17:25 GMT+02:00 Utkarsh Ayachit <>: > >> > can you give a quick update whether the suggested bug fix is likely to >> be >> > solved: >> >> Here you go: >> >> >> Once the dashboards come back clean, this will get merged. If do get >> around to testing it, I'd suggest getting involved and giving the >> merge-request a +1 ;). >> >> Utkarsh >> > >
#include "vtkSMSession.h" #include "vtkSMSessionClient.h" #include "vtkProcessModule.h" #include "vtkPVOptions.h" #include "vtkInitializationHelper.h" #include "vtkSMProxy.h" #include "vtkSMProxyManager.h" #include "vtkSMSessionProxyManager.h" #include "vtkSMProxy.h" #include "vtkSMPropertyHelper.h" #include "vtkSMParaViewPipelineController.h" #include "vtkSMProxy.h" #include "vtkSMRepresentationProxy.h" #include "vtkCollection.h" #include "vtkSMRenderViewProxy.h" #include "vtkSMCollaborationManager.h" #include "vtkSMMessage.h" #include "vtkCommand.h" #include "vtkNetworkAccessManager.h" #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" #include <sstream> using namespace std; vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm; vtkSMRenderViewProxy *view=NULL; void createView(){ vtkCollection *coll=vtkCollection::New(); // try to find view pxm->GetProxies("views",coll); view=vtkSMRenderViewProxy::SafeDownCast(coll->GetItemAsObject(0)); // if not found, create new view if (view==NULL){ view=vtkSMRenderViewProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("views","RenderView")); } view->UpdateVTKObjects(); pxm->RegisterProxy("views","View1",view); } void createObject(int n){ if (view==NULL) return; vtkSMSourceProxy *sphere=vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("sources","SphereSource")); double pos[3]={(double)n,0.,0.}; vtkSMPropertyHelper(sphere,"Center").Set(pos,3); sphere->UpdateVTKObjects(); //vtkSMRepresentationProxy *repr=view->CreateDefaultRepresentation(sphere,0); vtkSMRepresentationProxy *repr=vtkSMRepresentationProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("representations","SurfaceRepresentation")); vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr,"Input").Set(sphere,0); vtkSMPropertyHelper(view,"Representations").Add(repr); view->UpdateVTKObjects(); repr->UpdateVTKObjects(); stringstream name; name<<"Sphere"<<n; pxm->RegisterProxy("sources",name.str().c_str(),sphere); name<<"Repr"<<n; pxm->RegisterProxy("representations",name.str().c_str(),repr); } class Callback: public vtkCommand{ private: int count; public: static Callback* New(){ Callback *cb=new Callback; cb->count=0; return cb; } virtual void Execute(vtkObject* caller, unsigned long event, void* data) { count++; if (event==vtkCommand::TimerEvent){ //create new sphere at xyz={count,0.,0.} createObject(count); } while(vtkProcessModule::GetProcessModule()->GetNetworkAccessManager()->ProcessEvents(1)){ } } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ vtkPVOptions *options=vtkPVOptions::New(); vtkInitializationHelper::Initialize(argc,argv,vtkProcessModule::PROCESS_CLIENT,options); vtkSMSessionClient *session=vtkSMSessionClient::New(); session->Connect("cs://localhost:11111"); vtkSMParaViewPipelineController* smcontroller=vtkSMParaViewPipelineController::New(); smcontroller->InitializeSession(session); pxm = session->GetSessionProxyManager(); //Collaboration: vtkSMCollaborationManager *collaboration=session->GetCollaborationManager(); collaboration->SetSession(session); collaboration->UpdateUserInformations(); createView(); createObject(0); view->MakeRenderWindowInteractor(true); vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren=view->GetInteractor(); iren->Initialize(); Callback *timer=Callback::New(); iren->AddObserver(vtkCommand::TimerEvent,timer); iren->CreateRepeatingTimer(500); view->GetInteractor()->Start(); cout<<"Closing Session..."<<endl; session->CloseSession(); vtkInitializationHelper::Finalize(); }
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