
I'm trying to read a jpeg file using python to use in a plane as a texture,
I have this:

        from paraview.vtk.vtkIOImage import vtkImageReader2Factory
        reader =

This doesn't display any errors when executing from the paraview python
console, but when displaying reader (by entering "reader" in the console)
it displays nothing so I guess it's null. I've made sure the jpg file is in
that path.
According to the documentation (
http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkImageReader2Factory.html) If no
reader is found, null is returned. I guess that's what's happening?

I've tried using

from paraview.vtk.vtkIOImage import vtkJPEGReader

but it was a shot in the dark. It didn't work, anyway :(

Do you know what could be happening?

thank you!
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