Just as a follow-up, I will be leaving this survey open all week and stop
accepting responses on Friday, October 30.

Chuck Atkins
Staff R&D Engineer, Scientific Computing
Kitware, Inc.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Chuck Atkins <chuck.atk...@kitware.com>

> We're trying to identify where we may have gaps in our testing
> infrastructure for both VTK and ParaView and how to prioritize filling
> those gaps. Certain compilers like GCC and Intel on Linux or Visual Studio
> on Windows will essentially always be supported with issues addressed
> ASAP.  Others, however, sometimes come and go depending on available
> testing resources, licensing, customer demand, etc.
> Please take a brief moment to let us know which operating systems and
> compilers are important to howe you use VTK and ParaView from a testing and
> support standpoint.  The survey is very brief and should only take a minute
> or two.
> Note: If you are a current support customer with specific critical
> requirements, please feel free to email me off-list.
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczYSEWMr90ywhTg1jL
> g2u6JWVNRh6zUzCLeFPRnc_Qyc13dg/viewform
> Thank you.
> ----------
> Chuck Atkins
> Staff R&D Engineer, Scientific Computing
> Kitware, Inc.
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