On Fri, 2017-06-23 at 09:16 -0400, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> > > I then execute:  ccmake ../src
> > > 
> > > CMake does come up, but instead of seeing the 3 variables shown
> > > in the
> > > README, I see just "EMPTY CACHE".
> Since you have installed Ninja, do this.
> > ccmake -G Ninja ../src
> Next hit "c" to configure. That will process cmake configuration
> files
> in ParaView and then provide you with options that you can set. Any
> time you change options, hit "c" to configure again. Once done, you
> can hit "g" to generate the build files. Then do
> > ninja-build

Ok, thank you.  I hit 'c' and it is doing things now ("Configuring,
please wait...").  I also had to set the CXX environment variable to
the path of ccmake.

I'll hit 'g' and then ninja-build after that to see what happens.

Thank you for the help so far!


Rob Groner
Software Engineer 

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The Pennsylvania State University
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