I believe that is limitation of current ParaView readers. Dan can probably
correct me.

- Aashish

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 8:58 AM Tyson Whitehead <twhiteh...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> A quick request for some help loading cell data from a netcdf file in
> ParaView.
> I'm using the "NetCDF files generic and CF conventions" reader under
> ParaView 5.2.0 (the x86_64 linux build you can download off the website).
> I believe I've followed the CF cell conventions, but it insists on load the
> data as point data.
> http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/build/ch07.html
> Any help would be appreciated.  Here's the relevant details from the file
> and a link to it
> netcdf Pressure.mat {
> dimensions:
>           x = 10 ;
>           y = 4 ;
>           z = 2 ;
>           time = 12000 ;
>           b = 2 ;
> variables:
>           double x(x) ;
>                   x:bounds = "x_bnds" ;
>           double y(y) ;
>                   y:bounds = "y_bnds" ;
>           double z(z) ;
>                   z:bounds = "z_bnds" ;
>           double time(time) ;
>                   time:units = "seconds since 2017-09-19 17:31:17" ;
>           double b(b) ;
>           double x_bnds(x, b) ;
>           double y_bnds(y, b) ;
>           double z_bnds(z, b) ;
>           double pressure(time, z, y, x) ;
> data:
>    x = 1.33, 8.335, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 63.665, 70.67 ;
>    y = 0.87, 3.85, 6.65, 9.63 ;
>    z = -0.4, 0.4 ;
>    x_bnds =
>     0, 4.61174175055394,
>     4.61174175055394, 12,
>     12, 20,
>     20, 28,
>     28, 36,
>     36, 44,
>     44, 52,
>     52, 60,
>     60, 67.3882582494461,
>     67.3882582494461, 72 ;
>    y_bnds =
>     0, 2.42178882104347,
>     2.42178882104347, 5.25,
>     5.25, 8.07821117895653,
>     8.07821117895653, 10.5 ;
>    z_bnds =
>     -0.5, 0,
>     0, 0.5 ;
>    time = ... ;
>    pressure = ... ;
> }
> https://www.sharcnet.ca/~tyson/Pressure.mat.nc
> Thanks!  -Tyson
> PS:  From playing with other netcdf files I found online, it almost seems
> to me that ParaView only honors the cell structure when you are in
> spherical coordinates.  Is cell data just not supported in cartesian
> coordinates?
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