
To handle 90-degree pitch or elevation, do the following:



On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanh...@gmail.com>

> Thanks Utkarsh!
> This change would take a build right? Can't do it right now =/
> My goal is to know what should I do after a
> cameraInstance.Pitch(90)
> and before a
> Render()
> In order not to get the warning
> Resetting view-up since view plane normal is parallel
> I've tried
> cameraInstance.ComputeViewPlaneNormal()
> but with no sucess...
> Do you know why and can explain me the reason of this warning ?
> More important, how to get rid of it? hahaha
> My goal trying to print the camera attributes was to debug this info!
> Thanks in advance!
> Leonardo Pessanha
> Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering
> Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE
> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
> 2017-10-23 13:01 GMT-02:00 Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>:
>> Leo,
>> You can't access it in Python since the Python script is not run on the
>> server side. If your goal is to debug what thet camera is set to, you can
>> put cout's to print the camera in 
>> `vtkCaveSynchronizedRenderers::HandleStartRender`.
>> That's where the local camera on each rank is "prepped" for rendering a
>> frame.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Léo Pessanha <
>> leonardopessanh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I would like to know if there's a way to acess the
>>> information/attributes of the cameras there are created trough a .pvx file
>>> To acess the attributes in the camera of the active Layout/RenderView  I
>>> do:
>>> 1 - Open Python Shell
>>> 2 - camera = GetActiveCamera()
>>> 3 - print(camera)
>>> And the output is:
>>> vtkOpenGLCamera (0x4a45e80)
>>> Debug: Off
>>> Modified Time: 405029
>>> Reference Count: 5
>>> Registered Events:
>>> Registered Observers:
>>> (none)
>>> ClippingRange: (1.63277, 5.56498)
>>> DirectionOfProjection: (0.526409, 0.492965, -0.692733)
>>> Distance: 3.37001
>>> EyeAngle: 2
>>> FocalDisk: 1
>>> FocalPoint: (0, 0, 0)
>>> ViewShear: (0, 0, 1)
>>> ParallelProjection: Off
>>> ParallelScale: 0.872667
>>> Position: (-1.77401, -1.6613, 2.33452)
>>> Stereo: Off
>>> Left Eye: 1
>>> Thickness: 3.93221
>>> ViewAngle: 30
>>> UseHorizontalViewAngle: 0
>>> UserTransform: (none)
>>> (none)
>>> FreezeFocalPoint: (none)
>>> ViewPlaneNormal: (-0.526409, -0.492965, 0.692733)
>>> ViewUp: (-0.0865543, 0.841596, 0.533127)
>>> WindowCenter: (0, 0)
>>> UseOffAxisProjection: (0)
>>> ScreenBottomLeft: (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5)
>>> ScreenBottomRight: (0.5, -0.5, -0.5)
>>> ScreenTopRight: (0.5, 0.5, -0.5)
>>> EyeSeparation: (0.06)
>>> WorldToScreenMatrix: (0x4a457c0
>>> Debug: Off
>>> Modified Time: 155883
>>> Reference Count: 1
>>> Registered Events: (none)
>>> Elements:
>>> 1 0 0 0
>>> 0 1 0 0
>>> 0 0 1 0
>>> 0 0 0 1
>>> )
>>> EyeTransformMatrix: (0x4a458b0
>>> Debug: Off
>>> Modified Time: 155885
>>> Reference Count: 1
>>> Registered Events: (none)
>>> Elements:
>>> 1 0 0 0
>>> 0 1 0 0
>>> 0 0 1 0
>>> 0 0 0 1
>>> )
>>> ModelTransformMatrix: (0x4a459a0
>>> Debug: Off
>>> Modified Time: 155887
>>> Reference Count: 1
>>> Registered Events: (none)
>>> Elements:
>>> 1 0 0 0
>>> 0 1 0 0
>>> 0 0 1 0
>>> 0 0 0 1
>>> )
>>> ProjectionTransform: (0x4a46280
>>> Debug: Off
>>> Modified Time: 405415
>>> Reference Count: 1
>>> Registered Events: (none)
>>> Inverse: (0)
>>> Matrix: (0x4a46330)
>>> Debug: Off
>>> Modified Time: 405416
>>> Reference Count: 1
>>> Registered Events: (none)
>>> Elements:
>>> 3.76067 0 0 0
>>> 0 3.73205 0 0
>>> 0 0 -1.83046 -4.62147
>>> 0 0 -1 0
>>> Input: (0)
>>> InverseFlag: 0
>>> NumberOfConcatenatedTransforms: 1
>>> 0: vtkSimpleTransform at 0x6ecdae0
>>> )
>>> *How to get these informations of the cameras created from a .pvx file?*
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Leonardo Pessanha
>>> Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering
>>> Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE
>>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
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