If u need more Email space you may want to check out 

http://www.mailandnews.com for 10megs of e-mail space  

http://www.visto.com for 15megs of free e-mail space 

http://mail.uk2.net/   20meg

http://www.telebot.com which is also 10megs of free e-mail space 

http://www.subdimension.com is 10megs of free e-mail space

http://www.Xlarge.at which gives 50 Mbyte (!),
however it is in German language, so you need to at least understand
a little German to find your way though it and get set up

http://www.madasafish.com for Unlimited of e-mail space

http://www.freeserve.com for 100megs of email space

Kirim email ke