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New virus
This worm masquerades as a Flash movie. When run, it sends itself to all recipients in the Outlook Address Book and attempts to deletes all .BMP, .COM, .DLL, .EXE, .INI, and .LOG files in the WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories.

This program is written in Visual Basic and requires the Visual Basic 6 (or higher) runtime files. When run, it copies itself to a TEMP directory and displays a Window entitled "Flash", which reads "JibJab Loading". It proceeds by sending a separate email message, using Microsoft Outlook, to each recipient in the Outlook Address Book. The messages appear as follows:

Subject: Fw: Naked Wife
My wife never look like that! ;-)

Best Regards,
(sender's name)

Attached: NakedWife.exe

Choosing the HELP|ABOUT menu in the "Flash" window displays a message box entitled "Flash", which reads "You're are now F*CKED! (C) 2001 by BGK (Bill Gates Killer)"

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