U have receive this because your mail was bouncing or u have selected to unsubscribe

U can of course re-join, just make sure your mail box can handle it.

To rejoin
or send a blank Email to 

If u unsubscribed, U are no longer a member of Adultpics-xxx but when u unsubed, all 
the messages that went through before u unsub will be sent to u because u were still a 
member, u will receive all those messages after that u will not receive any more, just 
wait for a day or until it clears up, u may just have to download for a day or 2, then 
it will stop

Sorry to see you go from this list.

Can i ask you why you are leaving ?

Any comments will help me try & make this list better.

List Owner & Moderator of 
& adultpics-xxx

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