Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> I would like to clarify this a bit based on what I recall of the
> summit discussions:
> - The list of features for any given major release are what we consider
>   to be critical for the success of that release, not just what we
>   think we'll have accomplished by then.

Yes, there are items on the list that we expect to be completed or 
mostly completed long before the slot where they're listed on the 
release plan.

> - Just because a feature is listed for a given major release doesn't
>   mean that it won't be available before (possibly long before) that
>   time.  In other words, the list is "feature X really needs to be 
>   finished by this point" more than "don't expect XYZ to be
>   available before then."  So, if someone feels strongly enough to
>   start working on a feature long before its target completion date,
>   there is absolutely no problem with that.

Very much so. And it gives us a metric of success. Success is completing 
a feature sometime before the targeted time-based release. Earlier is 
always a nice bonus.


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