We're gearing up for GSOC 2011 already. Right now we're working on the
organization application, a large part of which is showing that we
have a set of project ideas ready for interested students.

Please take a look at this page:


This is where we are going to be listing project ideas to include with
our application. We need to get as many high-quality project ideas as
possible here. Here is some basic criteria and ideas about what would
make a good and acceptable project:

1) Project ideas should be *doable* in a 2-3month work window by a
student, possibly a student who doesn't have much prior experience
with Parrot.

2) Projects should also be *desirable* to Parrot. We don't want to end
up with a situation like we have in years past where we have unmerged
gsoc branches untouched and unmerged months after the completion of
the project. It is important to pick projects that a student will be
able to complete, and that we will be eager to merge by the end of the

3) Projects can be for "core" parrot, or can also be within the Parrot
ecosystem (extension and embedding projects, HLLs, libraries, etc).
Anything that we think is going to be generally beneficial to the
community is a potential project. Projects like Parrot-Instrument and
parrot/past-optimization were developed in GSOC last year, and both
live outside "core" Parrot, for example. If you have a repo that would
benefit from a GSOC student's dedicated time, and you think the rest
of Parrot would benefit as well, speak up. Don't be shy!

We can talk more about what makes a "good" project on this list, at
#ps, on IRC, or elsewhere, if more discussion of it is needed.

If you find ideas in this list that you would be willing to be a
mentor for, feel free to list your name there as well. Hopefully we
get many students, each of which is going to need a mentor. Having
mentors lined up next to project ideas is a good way to show to Google
that we are serious about the project and are going to be willing to
support it for the duration of the summer.

We benefit a very large amount from GSOC each year, and we need to
take this application and project ideas phase seriously if we want to
see the same kinds of benefits again this year.

Please please please, if you have time today or this week to look at
this page it would be great if you could do that. We need lots of
great ideas.


--Andrew Whitworth

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