Our smolder server has been ill, probably for more than a month. If you go to http://smolder.parrot.org/app/projects/smoke_reports/1, you will see that most reports are essentially empty: "Platform: Unknown; # Test Files: 0; Architecture: Unknown"; etc.

Oddly enough, the server *does* seem to be accepting reports generated on Darwin:

http://smolder.parrot.org/app/projects/report_details/44821: darwin/i386

http://smolder.parrot.org/app/projects/report_details/44823: darwin/ppc32

When I tried to submit a report from my Linode -- a machine from which I have submitted reports for many years -- I get this response:

Could not upload report to Smolder at http://smolder.parrot.org
HTTP CODE: 500 (Internal Server Error)

Upon examination, the tarball appears perfectly normal.

I had some correspondence with support.osuosl.org last month. I received this response:

"Taking a brief look, it seems the upload of your report contains nothing. I don't know the inner workings of smoke/smolder, but the directory associated with your broken report contained only an empty tap folder. In comparison, the report that works has a report.tar.gz, an html directory, and a populated tap directory.

"Probably this is related to an upload failure? Smolder's logs do not contain things like timestamps or IP addresses that would make it simple to identify where your upload failed. =/"

Is there anyone who could investigate this further?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan


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