This appeared on

    <nicholas_> tring to resize an ext2 partition on an ibook (g3 ppc), i get
                "error: block relocator should have relocated 519".
    <nicholas_> it's not clear to me whether this is a dupe of 48 (closed
                worksforme) or 183 (which has no comment on it)
    <nicholas_> what additional information would particularly help understand
                what's going wrong?
    <nicholas_> ?! submission rejected as potential spam!?
    <nicholas_> alright. so i stuck the bug report here:
       this is with parted
    *** nicholas_ ( has quit:

Thanks for the report.
However, not only is 1.8.8 old enough that you really should
not be using it anymore, but that the version you're using
is called "-dirty-git" implies that someone did the release
using changes that had not been committed.  That is even more
reason to avoid that version.

Besides, you should try hard to avoid using parted proper to perform file
system operations like "resize", since parted uses old and known-buggy
file-system-manipulation code.

Please consider using a tool like gparted if you want to resize, move,
or otherwise manipulate the *contents* of a partition (the file system).
It uses well-maintained library code to perform most FS-related tasks.

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