Petr Uzel wrote:
Hm, that doesn't look much better :)

I'm experiencing similar (or maybe the same ?) problem on SUSE with
parted-1.8.8. Sometimes, if I create a partition and immediately
afterwards I try to remove the partition, the kernel doesn't get
informed. The pseudoscript(tm) I'm using:

parted -s /dev/sdX mkpart primary 0 10M
parted -s /dev/sdX rm 1
grep /dev/sdX1 /proc/partitions && report error

If I run this in a cycle, after several iterations it fails,
because sdX1 is deleted from on-disk table, but it is still
present in /proc/partitions.

It seems to be really sensitive to timing, because if I e.g.
run the 'parted rm' via strace, the probability of failure
decreases significantly.

Idea: something must be touching /dev/sdX1 while parted is
deleting it. So I've put 'lsof /dev/sdX1' between those two
parted calls -> some hal related crap is touching /dev/sdX1.

Now the interesting part: if I run the test with haldaemon
disabled, I'm no longer able to reproduce it.

I know this is far from precise analysis of a problem (and even
further from a solution), but perhaps it might show something
where to look.

Using your hypothesis Petr, I ran my test scripts on Fedora 12 with the HAL daemon shut down. Unfortunately the problem with "failure to inform kernel of partition changes" still occurred.

My conclusion from this is that the HAL daemon is not the cause of this problem. Something else is creating this problem.

The results for this test on Fedora 12 can be seen at the following link:

Of note is that I have run my tests on the System Rescue CD v1.3.4 and the problem does not occur. SysRescCD is based on gentoo, so perhaps we can find some key difference here that will lead to a solution.

It would help if we could narrow down our search for differences to a small list of packages. With the intermittent nature of this bug, I suspect a problem with the udev package because it is responsible for handling the task of detecting hardware and creating nodes for the hardware in /dev. From my reading, udev works in concert with HAL, so HAL may still play a role in this problem. These suspicions I have are only a guess as to the real cause of the problem.

Following is a link to some information on udev:

Curtis Gedak

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