On 05/17/2016 08:25 AM, Finucane, Stephen wrote:
+class PatchSerializer(ModelSerializer):
> >+    class Meta:
> >+        model = Patch
> >+        read_only_fields = ('project', 'name', 'date', 'submitter', 'diff',
> >+                            'content', 'hash', 'msgid')
>So I played around with think the responses could do with a little more
>work. Firstly, here's a sample response (with the really long fields
>     {
>         "id": 1,
>         "mbox_url": "/patch/1/mbox/",
>         "msgid": 
>         "date": "2014-02-06T22:49:21",
>         "headers": "SNIPPED!",
>         "content": "SNIPPED!",
>         "name": "[RFC] parsemail.py: Don't search for patches in replies",
>         "diff": "SNIPPED!",
>         "commit_ref": null,
>         "pull_url": null,
>         "archived": false,
>         "hash": "312958438b253a6436397bb06816c09616d0833e",
>         "submitter": 1,
>         "project": 1,
>         "delegate": null,
>         "state": "New",
>         "tags": []
>     },

Great feedback:

>(1) We should have two serializers: one for 'list' and one for 'detail'
>(or 'get'). I would exclude 'headers', 'content' and 'diff' from the
>'list' response (and test this).

done in v3

>(2) We should use links for the 'project'/'submitter' fields, rather
>than IDs.  Alternatively, we could have a 'project_id' and
>'project_url' field instead of simply 'project'. What do you prefer?

I found a nice way to use absolute urls and I think we should just do that rather than have both "_id" and "_url" fields.

>(3) Should 'header' be a list, like 'tags'?

Its easy enough and a nice touch.

>(4) Could/should 'mbox_url' use an absolute link instead of the
>relative one?

yep, v3.

(5) Use 'prefetch_related' on 'patch.tags', in addition to
'patch.checks'. There is a cascade of queries to the 'patchwork_tag'
field when accessing '/api/1.0/patches/' at the moment. In general,
we could probably do with making better use of 'defer',
'prefetch_related' and 'select_related'. The existing views code [1]
would be a good place to start here.

thanks for the pointer.
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