On 12/12/16 23:34, Stephen Finucane wrote:
I don't think we support this yet but it would be easily added. I'm not
sure how well cursor pagination would map to of our endpoints, seeing
as we use simple, integer-based indexing for all ID fields. My personal
preference would be a 'direction=(asc|desc)' parameter, assuming we
don't really need to sort on different fields. If we did need to sort
then I'd opt for a combination of a 'sort=(date|name|submitter)'
parameter (for '/patches' - different values for other endpoints) and
'direction', but I'd also be fine with just 'sort' and a '-' prefix to
reverse things. Happy to take patches for any solution :)

While we're on the matter, would it be possible to take a look at the
patches in the 'series-api' work? There are a couple that still need at
least one reviewer before I'd be happy letting them in:


We'll need to use something other than page-number based pagination, but something based on the default LimitOffsetPagination class might be good enough for our purposes?

Alas I didn't get to the series API patches before you merged them, sorry! Am reviewing/testing v3 of the filter series currently.

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnel...@au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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