Hello all,

I've installed patchwork 2.0.0-rc4 as described in the deployment guide. I've got almost everything working (uwsgi, nginx, database and getmail). Getmail receives patches as well and delivers them to patchwork, however nothing is shown in the appropriate project.

I guess I have something misconfigured in the patchwork admin page.

From my mailing list headers:

  - List-Id: Test Mailing List
  - List-Post: <mailto:test (AT) malikania.fr>

I have created the following project in the administration page:

  - Linkname: test
  - Name: Test
  - Listid: Test Mailing List
  - Listemail: test (A) malikania.fr

What do I miss?

Note: I've replaced @ with (AT) for this mail.


David Demelier
Patchwork mailing list

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