On 11/10/19 9:54 am, Jeff King wrote:
Neat. There was discussion on a similar issue recently in:


where a possible solution was to get senders to use in-body From
headers even when sending their own patches.

I think that's a good idea.

This might provide an alternate solution (or vice versa). I kind of like
this one better in that it doesn't require the sender to do anything
differently (but it may be less robust, as it assumes the receiver
reliably de-mangling).

Yep, it's less robust - but OTOH there's always a long tail of users stuck on old versions of git for whatever reason and having some logic to detect DMARC munging may thus still be useful.

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
a...@linux.ibm.com             IBM Australia Limited

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