
Our next PatternFly development office hours are being held TODAY! at 11am

Office hours are a regular offering where the PatternFly team sets time
aside to be available to address any questions or issues presented by Red
Hat product teams and members of the general PatternFly community. We
address presubmitted topics/questions at the beginning of the meeting, but
stay on the call for the full hour for some 'open door' availability.

Feel free to note questions/topics in this Office Hours Notes doc
ahead of or during office hours. This will help us be sure the appropriate
PatternFly team members are available during the call and be sure we
prioritize your questions.

To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone:

Video call link::

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪317 395 317 7308‬#

We hope to see you there!


Nicole Thoen

User Experience Developer

PatternFly mailing list

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