

I support the sentiment expressed and the need to bring to the fore the true 
patriotic heroes who left an imprint of their contributions to change South 
Africa.  David Sibeko mobilised the entire world at the UN to actively support 
the struggle against apartheid and settler colonialism in SA, and was a strong 
personality who mobilised the African-American community in the United States 
of America to identify with the PAC (and the ANC) against blatant racism and 
discrimination against Africans.  He did this in the UK where he brought in the 
solidarity of Blacks in the Caribbean and radical activists like Darcus Howe, 
Mike La Rose, and their premier theorist CLR James.  The PAC was flavour of the 
moment when the 1976 uprisings flared up and young people fled to the outside 
world.  Khotso Seatlholo and Tsietsi Mashinini in the SAYCO grouping always 
referred to Sibeko for political guidance and to get support.  So too did the 
leaders of SASO and BPC in the Black Consciousness movement.  Steve Biko had 
direct contact with David in the UN - of course with the support of Sobukwe in 
Kimberley. These are facts. Thami Zani, a lieutenant of the Biko leadership, 
joined the PAC in exile and was later killed in the Qasha's Neck ambush by the 
Lesotho junta. 

David Sibeko also had his own mistakes in relations with intra-party matters.  
He was not in touch with ordinary rank and file membership (because of his 
work) and those who were threatened by his achievements used it to maximum 
effect.  He also had township arrogance and looked down upon the rural folks 
who could not acclimatise with the metropolitan centres such as New York, 
London and even Beijing.  The APRP group said he held bourgeois ideas. The 
thugs in our ranks were manipulated to assassinate him, using the distrust of 
cadres against the privileged diplomats who use sophisticated lexicon to the 
outside world.  Nevertheless David Sibeko's contributions to have Pik Botha 
expelled was instrumental in the statement the Nats made after the death of 
Sobukwe, that the "PAC was (still) a monster without a head". 


Wellington Tshazibane who was killed at John Voster Square also come to mind.  
These were laboratory assistants who used their deep knowledge to manufacture 
bombs - students of Uncle Zeph.  Dr Ntshuntsha is not even mentioned.  I also 
think that abo-Phillip Dlamini and Joe (?) who formed SABMAWU and brought 
Joburg to a standstill in 1980 did remarkable mass work mobilising night soil 
collectors, office cleaners and the rest of the downtrodden to stand up against 
the municipality bosses. They are all not recorded and brought to the public 
mind as true patriots who made a progressive mark. It has to do with the PAC 
cadres like ourselves initiating moves like the ones suggested.



Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 07:41:11 +0200
From: msib...@randwater.co.za
To: payco@googlegroups.com; cunningham.ngcuk...@investecmail.com; 

Hi: Cunningham/ Seroke
It almost more than 30 years since David Sibeko passed away. Sadly he has 
gained a status of an unsung hero and fallen in to oblivion , a man that is 
credited with an agitation of removing South Africa in the UN in the mid 70’s, 
nothing is said about him, not to mention that no monument nor any city is 
named after him. I have an idea without a capacity that Africanist that have 
access to the film industry must produce a documentary in appreciating this  
luminary of our struggle.
Mduduzi Sibeko
011 724 9298

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