On Sunday, 17 October, I attended a memorial service in honour of Benny 
Alexander (Khoisan X) organised by his family, his friends and comrades, his 
business partners, his spiritual leaders, and the Griqua royal house whom he 
advised on cultural and political matters.  It was a touching ceremony held in 
the garden of Benny's business colleague, and it affected the participants 
greatly as speakers recounted their various experiences with him.  An 
arrangement has been made to coordinate the week's events that will lead up to 
Saturday, 23 October, when this great son of Africa will be taken to his final 
resting place.
On Monday morning, 18 Oct, SAfm will dedicate 09:05 till 10:00 to Khoisan X.  
Phillip Dlamini, Mark Shinners, Lesaoana Makhanda and possibly his ex-wife, 
Imani Milima Alexander,  will discuss his political life including his 
experiences as a personal aide to Uncle Zeph Mothopeng, as PAC Secretary 
General, and how he was mentored in the philosophy and political theory of 
revolutionary Pan Africanism.  His interaction with the Khoisan people will 
also be attested to.  This is a talk show - we encourage all Africanists to 
call in and express their condolences and fond memories of the fallen comrade.
On Wednesday, 20 Oct, a Memorial Service will be for at 11:00 for about three 
and half hours at the Joburg City Hall on President Street.  PAC stalwarts and 
political allies will be on the platform. Again, we encourage all available 
Party members and supporters to attend.  
The funeral will take place in Kimberley on Saturday, 23 Oct.  The coordinating 
committee for the funeral is making final preparations for the programmes of 
the day.  However, the venue is on Long Street in Kimberly and is said to 
accommodate up to a thousand people.  An advance guard is today on the way to 
the Northern Cape to work on final touches.  The event on Sat will start at 
07:30.  We urge mourners to travel safely, to and fro.
In early September I was asked by a comrade and friend from the PAC branch in 
Alex to arrange that Benny be interviewed on the women's television programme, 
Motswako, on the cultural heritage of the Khoisan.  He agreed without 
complaining even though he was not well, and had lately been unable to attend 
our own political sessions on the grounds of ill health.  The programme was 
flighted on the night of September 27, wherein Khoisan X in a feeble voice 
articulated the cultural heritage of the Khoisan correctly in the context of 
the PAC's position on the national question.  We spoke about it the next day 
and he wanted to hear my opinion.  I merely said the brain drain in the PAC is 
not doing us any good. We will live  to regret our self-styled hara-kiri and 
death wish.  Except for sms messages, we never spoke again after that.  Uncle 
Zeph passed on in October 1990 - Benny Alexander (Khoisan X) died in October 
2010.  This is my sad and last memory of Benny.
My parting shot is that having worked with Khoisan X closely in the leadership 
of the PAC in the 1990s, I have come to respect the man for his open-mindedness 
and the ability to take debates and differences of opinion on any issue without 
holding personal grudges.  His infectious laughter and wit took him out of 
tight corners most of the time, and he was always one man up in adversarial 
circumstances. He was not a saint and he had his imperfections like all other 
mortals.  We can learn a lot from him and his entire life.  All we must do, at 
this stage, is work towards making his a decent funeral.
Uncharacteristic of the PAC, there has been a few loudmouths and liars such as 
the statement attributed to Mfanelo Skwatsha in the media (SAPA) where he 
refers to Imani on the wishes of the deceased.  Imani says these are deliberate 
distortions and she has never even spoken to Skwatsha.  She then spoke to 
Letlapa Mphahlele privately to set the record straight - and his apologies were 
accepted.  I say 'uncharacteristic' because never in our history have we used 
death as a platform to further own personal ends.  I don't understand how you 
could say Benny was not a member of the PAC in public, and yet say in public 
that his final wishes were that he should be buried by the PAC.  This is 
hypocrisy.  What have we come to?  We must cease with immediate effect from 
such vile behaviour.  We are all members of the PAC and we must act as such, 
guided by the Basic Documents.  And accept nothing out of character.
Izwe lethu iAfrika.
Jaki Seroke

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