-----Original Message-----
From: BabaBuntu
Sent:  04/11/2010, 08:27 
To: i...@ebukhosinisolutions.co.za
Subject: Fwd: FW: African Studies Conference in Sweden- June 2011

*Dear Sister/Brother;*

I am forwarding this Call for Papers, re. the 4th European Conference on
African Studies to take place in Sweden, 15-18 June 2011. Conference
theme: African
Engagements: On whose terms? You might find it interesting and valuable to
present a paper at this conference.

First you have to register on their website. After that you will receive an
email with access confirmation and information on how to submit your
abstract. The abstract should be maximum 400 words and must be submitted by
22 December. Invited speakers will be notified by 28 February.

Papers must be in line with the topic of one of the 159 panel themes, see

I am not affiliated to the conference, just passing on this call. Feel free
to forward it to other Afrikan progressive thinkers and practitioners.

For more info about conference, see below and on website:

Best regards,
Baba Buntu
Executive Director
Ebukhosini Solutions
Johannesburg, Azania (South Afrika)

  ECAS 2011 - 4th European Conference on African Studies Uppsala 15-18 June

Call for Papers ECAS 4

The call for panels for this conference is now closed and

a list of the accepted panels and short panel descriptions can be found
here. <http://www.nai.uu.se/ecas-4/panels/>

We hereby invite all interested scholars to submit paper proposals for
presentation on one of the approved ECAS 4 panels.

Click here to access the abstract submission
  Please read and follow these instructions carefully before submitting your

Please submit your paper abstract (maximum 400 words or 2300 – 2400
characters, including spaces). To submit your abstract you will first be
requested to register as an official conference website user. After
registration you will receive an e-mail with access confirmation and further
instructions on how to submit your abstract.

To be accepted paper proposals need to fit into one of the approved panels.
The deadline for the submission of paper abstracts is Wednesday 22 December
2010. All paper proposals will be reviewed in January 2011, and those who
have submitted abstracts will be notified no later than 28 February 2011 as
to whether their paper has been accepted or not.

For questions relating to papers you wish to propose to panels, please
contact the panel organiser directly. Contact details of panel organisers
can be found in the list of panels and above each of the panel descriptions.

For general questions concerning paper proposals, please contact the
Organising Committee of ECAS 4 at: ec...@nai.uu.se .

Each panel session will last two hours and will accommodate a maximum of
four papers. If a panel attracts more than four strong and relevant paper
proposals, the panel organiser may consider organising an additional session
and should, in this case, consult with the Organising Committee accordingly.
The decision on double sessions will be made upon request by the panel
organisers, based on the number and quality of paper proposals uploaded to
the panel via the abstract submission system. The issue of double panels may
also be limited by time and/or space factors.


Mojubaolu Olufunke Okome, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science, African & Women's Studies
Brooklyn College, CUNY
3413 James Hall
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11210
phone:  (718) 951-5000, ext. 1742
fax:  (718) 951-4833
email:  mok...@brooklyn.cuny.edu
Co-edited journal:  Ìrìnkèrindò: a Journal of African Migration(

"I can do anything as long as I am alive." Venus Williams


Baba Buntu
Director, Ebukhosini Solutions
Egoli, Azania (Johannesburg, South Afrika)

"[My only fear is]...the fear of failure, the fear of not having done
(Thomas Sankara)

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