Cde Mduduzi

In this picture, which was taken on Robben Island, Sobukwe met with a 
delegation of British politicians who were on a state visit. Read the body 
language: Sobukwe is in charge of the conversation and they are all focused on 
him. There are other pic never before used from the same event. 

Mdu, Sobukwe was imprisoned by the SA parliament (Sobukwe Clause) to prevent 
his release from a 3 year sentence after leading the Positive Action Campaign. 
He was not a uniformed prisoner on RI - they isolated him from others and kept 
him in a house (hovel, rather). He could not negotiate with anyone for his 
release - because he did not have to.

With Dinilesizwe Sobukwe and Alf Khumalo primarily, we are collating photos for 
a pictorial biography of Mangaliso Sobukwe. We'll publish the coffee table book 
possibly in a year from now.

Clearly, there's a need for us to hurry up the project. 

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mduduzi Sibeko <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 14:43:35 
To: <>
Subject: [PAYCO]

Cde Seroke 
Did the apartheid regime offer Sobukwe a conditional release from Robben Island 
. in this picture he is seem with top Nationalist Party officials.**http%3a/
Mduduzi Sibeko 

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