It sounds like the kind of gathering that our party should  be active 
-----Original Message-----
From: Runoko Rashidi
Sent:  26/12/2010, 20:08 
Subject: [GlobalAfricanPresence] AN AFRICAN GATHERING IN SENEGAL


I think that it is safe to say that when many of us receive news from the 
mainstream media about Africa and Africans, all too often it is negative or 
disheartening.  Generally, such news reports are about conflict.  It might be 
about the crises in Darfur or Eastern Congo.  It is just as likely to be about 
Somali "pirates" or Somali "terrorists."  Right now, it is about Ivory Coast.  
Today, I'd like to write about something positive from Africa.  Specifically, I 
want to write about the recent Pan-Africanist intellectual gathering in Senegal
called FESMAN 2010, the major intellectual component of the 3rd World Festival 
of Black Arts and Cultures.
The 3rd World Festival of Black Arts and Cultures began on December 10 and 
continues until December 31.  It is to my knowledge the most comprehensive 
gathering of artists and intellectuals in recent times.  It is is the 
brainchild and creation of Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade and Dr. Iba Der 
Thiam--one of Africa's great intellectuals and the First Vice-President of the 
Senegalese National Assembly.
It has featured many of Africa's and the African Diaspora's greatest artists, 
activists, intellectuals, and educators, including Youssou N'dour, Angelique 
Kidgo, Wycliff Jean, the Kora Jazz Trio, Julius Garvey, Leonard Jeffries, 
Theophile Obenga, Chiekh Mbacke Diop, Joyce E. King, Hassimi Maiga, Johnnetta 
Coles, Wade Nobles, Ron Daniels, Julio Tavares, Ruth Love, Chief Benny Wenda of 
West Papua New Guinea, Dieudonne Gnammankou, Djibril Diallo, Runoko Rashidi and 
many, many more. And, all of this was in the shadow of newly erected African 
Renaissance Monument.
I was a part of the United States delegation to the Festival.  It was a high 
powered group that included Black Mayors and elected officials, artists, 
athletes and actors, scholar and intellectuals, educators and activists.  The 
US delegation was coordinated by Dr. Djibril Diallo, who is both brilliant and 
hardworking.  He combines this with a calm demeanor and uncommon ability to 
focus.  He is one of the most impressive people that I have met in a long time 
and I pray that he will play an active role in Senegal's future.
Within the context of the Festival there were several conferences or forums.  
The first one was on the African Diaspora, of which I had the honor of serving 
as President and Chairperson.  Dr. Sheila Walker was Vice-President.
The fact that the Diaspora Forum was the first of the Festival is an indication 
of the importance of the Diaspora in the eyes of the Festival organizers.  And 
it was not something that we took lightly.  Indeed, we worked on the structure 
and makeup of the conference for months.  The coordinator of the Diaspora Forum 
was Dr. Ibrahima Seck--a professor at Cheikh Anta University in Dakar.  Nobody 
worked harder for the success of our Forum than Dr. Seck.
As immodest as it may sound, I think that the Diaspora Forum was the best and 
most powerful of the Festival.  It was the first forum, it was the best 
attended, it was introduced by President Wade himself and, like all of the 
forums, it was presided over by Dr. Iba Der Thiam--one of Africa's great 
scholars and intellectuals.  On a personal level, I enjoyed Dr. Thiam very 
much.  He seemed firm but fair.  He was hardworking, pleasant and consistent.  
He is a very dignified man who commands the respect of all around him.  It was 
both a pleasure and an honor to be in his company.

Dr. Thiam and President Wade made lengthy introductory remarks about the 
conference and the history and importance of Pan-Africanism.  Both of them 
referenced my work and President Wade went as far to wave a copy of my French 
language book on Asia around as he spoke.  

I was introduced as the first keynote and I responded by giving one of my best 
presentations ever.  I was determined as president, chairperson and first 
speaker of the Festival to frame the African Diaspora beyond the realm of 
slavery.  I showed 135 of my very best photographs (shown across the auditorium 
on two gigantic big screen monitors) and spoke with great passion and 
conviction.  I spoke of Africa as the birthplace of humanity and African people 
as the aboriginal people of the world. 

I dedicated my remarks to President Wade and acknowledged in the audience Dr. 
Julius Garvey, Dr. Diallo and Dr. Seck.  I was very good, and received 
accolades through the duration of my stay in Senegal.

My presentation was followed by Dr. Sheila Walker, whose lecture topic was 
entitled A Map of the Americas.  For me, the great contribution from Dr. Walker 
is that she focused on African communities in the Andean and Hispanic countries 
of South America, areas often neglected in our studies and discussions.  

Following Dr. Walker, we heard from Dieudonne Gnammankou, who discussed the 
lives of those great Africans in Russia--Ibrahim Hannibal and his descendant 
Alexandre S. Pushkin--and Chief Benny Wenda, who explained the plight of Blacks 
in West Papua New Guinea.

Our panel, for the most part part, concluded the following day with 
presentations by Professor Solmaz Ceyik of Turkey, who spoke on the enslavement 
of Africans in Ottoman Turkey and gave a very moving personal account of the 
current conditions of Black people in Turkey.  Solmaz was followed by Dr. 
Hassimi Maiga--the great Songhoi scholar--who focused on the African background 
to rice production in the Americas, and the great educator Dr. Joyce E. King, 
who gave us practical ways to implement our ideas.  Dr. King was one of the 
great highlights of the entire festival.  She was succinct, powerful, scholarly 
and passionate.  The sister was awesome!

But perhaps the most emotional moment of the forum came with the presentation 
of Chief Benny Wenda of West Papua New Guinea.  It was Benny's first trip to 
Africa and his first time being around Continental Africans.  He was a huge 
success.  For the first time he was able to share with non-Melanesian Black 
people the horrors of the Indonesian occupation of his homeland.  It was an 
incredibly moving presentation that rose to it highest heights when he 
presented President Wade with the feathered headdress of a West Papuan chief, 
and he and the president embraced each other.

The theme of the Festival then shifted to the Nile Valley.  Among the major 
speakers were Dr. Theophile Obenga, the great linguist from Congo Brazzaville, 
Cheikh Mbacke Diop, the son of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Mario Beatty of Chicago 
State University, Anthony Browder, currently conducting the only 
African-American archaeological dig in Luxor, Egypt, Dr. Rosalind Jeffries, who 
focused on the art and imagery of Kmt, and Marie Louise-Maes, the widow of 
Cheikh Anta Diop.  All of the presentations were brilliant. 

All of the forums were well done and each of them were accompanied by excellent 
photo exhibits.  The most impressive such exhibit was organized for the 
Africans in Science and Technology Forum by Cheikh Mbacke Diop.  It was 
marvelous.  The Africans in Science and Technology Forum was chaired by Dr. 
Julius Garvey--son of Marcus Garvey.

The other two forums focused on African Resistance to Invasion, Enslavement and 
Colonization and Africa's Contribution to the Free World and Democracy.  In the 
resistance forum great presentations were made by Dr. Wade Nobles and a number 
of women, including sisters from Haiti and Jamaica on the role of African women 
in the resistance to oppression.  In the freedom and democracy forum I was most 
impressed, interestingly enough, by a speaker from Khartoum, Sudan who 
emphatically mentioned the contributions of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.  Ron Daniels 
and Shelby Lewis gave great presentations within their forums.

One of the highlights of the Festival for the US delegation was a visit to the 
Presidential Palace where we heard remarks from many of the US participants and 
received Goodwill Ambassadorships to the United States of Africa.  During the 
ceremonies we were able to meet with the Haitian students being housed in 
Senegal as a result of massive December 2009 Haitian earthquake.  These 
students being in Senegal is a singular gesture of Pan-Africanism in practice.

That night was my third interaction with President Wade and he impressed me as 
one of Africa's great visionaries.  He honored me as the first recipient of the 
Goodwill certificate.

Riding back to the hotel that night I got my clearest view of the African 
Renaissance Monument.  It is both large and impressive and will surely outlive 
all of us.

The US delegation finished its stay in Senegal with a major Forum on HIV/AIDS.  
Dr. Diallo was at his best and excellent presentations were made by both Vera 
Nobles and Rosalind Jeffries.

Sisters and brothers, the gathering in Senegal was both historic and awesome.  
In addition to the artists and scholars and activists and athletes, several 
African heads of state either appeared or were scheduled to appear.  Of course, 
there was President Wade, but also there were the former president of Benin, 
and the presidents of Liberia and Nigeria.  And Moammar Khadafy was there.  

It is wonderful to have the sense that you have been a part of history; that 
you were involved in the something the results of which are destined to outlive 
you. The participants in the Festival represented much of the African world.  
Scores and scores of papers were presented and circulated.  The photo exhibits 
for all of the forums were exquisite.  We were well treated, well housed and 
well fed.  

Do I have criticisms of my stay in Senegal?  Of course I do.  I would have 
liked to have stayed longer.  I would like to have had more interactions with 
students, particularly the university students.  I would have liked to have 
heard more presentations from the other members of the US delegation.  We had 
some really powerful people in our midst.  But you can't do everything, at 
least not at one time.  

And what of the criticisms directed against the Festival organizers and hosts, 
including President Wade himself?  All that I can say is that I was always 
treated, and I think that I can say the same of the entire US delegation, with 
the greatest courtesy, dignity and respect.  Great efforts were made to ensure 
our comfort, safety and security.  

There are those who will say that the Festival, and the construction of the 
African Renaissance Monuments itself, was a lavish waste of resources at a time 
when many Senegalese are simply struggling to have regular electricity, clean 
water, good schools and full bellies.  There may be some truth to that. I 
cannot really say.  Not being Senegalese, it is not a subject that I feel 
competent to address.  But I do know that the problems that we confront as a 
people will not be solved today, and that FESMAN 2010 and the 3rd World 
Festival of Black Arts and Cultures is a bold attempt to link Africa and the 
Diaspora's past and present as a foundation for the future.  It is my hope 
that, among other things, it will promote tourism to Senegal and stimulate the 
economy beyond today and into tomorrow.  

I am looking at the positives from FESMAN 2010 and the 3rd World Festival of 
Black Arts and Cultures, and I think that Pan-Africanism is live and well.  
Indeed, although it was certainly the biggest, I participated in a series of 
such gatherings this year.  In April I went to Mexico with a delegation from 
the Nation of Islam.  We participated in a historic gathering with African 
descendants in Costa Chica, Mexico.  In August I was the first keynote speaker 
at the first Global Black Nationalities Conference in Oshogbo, Nigeria.  That 
same week and in September I spoke at two more scholarly Pan-Africanist 
gatherings in Nigeria.  So I bear witness to the strength of the Pan-African 
ideal, and all of these gatherings demonstrate the importance of the 
relationship between African people--those at home and those abroad.

Family, I regard the gathering in Senegal as a great triumph.  Rarely, if ever, 
has such a assembly of such distinguished Africans taken place.  And for me 
personally, it was clearly one of the crowning achievements of my life.  I have 
rarely received such recognition.  I was actually referred to by Dr. Diallo as 
"one of the world's great intellectuals."  That is fine praise indeed, and I 
was accepted as an equal and a peer by some of the world's most outstanding 

Sisters and brothers, I think, in spite of obstacles and setbacks, that African 
people are moving in the right direction.  Who would have thought, hundreds of 
years ago, that the descendants of those Africans who were taken out of the 
door of no return would indeed return to plot and plan and continue to lay the 
basis for the return of Mother Africa to her Ancestral greatness!

In love of Africa!

December 26, 2010

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