For me, Jan Shoba represents the quality of commitment to national duty that is 
common among members of Apla leadership in the eighties.  They were determined 
to implement the home going programme for Apla forces, and to re-introduce the 
PAC as a dynamic entity of the national liberation struggle, under very 
difficult circumstances.  We all know the resultant temporary lull and 
after-effect of the then ongoing leadership strife in exile.  The PAC was 
declared dead by its enemies and doomsayers. These valiant cadres worked hard 
to establish bases in the neighbouring countries and started infiltration 
programmes for guerrillas.  It was difficult for trained cadres to move about 
in the frontline states, and SA securocrats had a strong counter-insurgency 
establishment in these areas.  
There was one Chris who represented the PAC in Gaborone, Botswana.  Almost all 
internal underground information was filtered through his office for the Dar es 
Salaam head quarters.  He joined the enemy, after it was said that he was wooed 
by his childhood girlfriend sent by NIS secret service handlers.  His father 
was in the SA police. I had worked with him and had no slightest thought that 
he would abdicate the struggle. He created a massive setback for us at the 
time.  There are many similar incidents.  Jan Shoba and his group worked to 
counter-act such circumstances, with scarce resources, and managed to 
infiltrate SA to operate. However, they were later arrested.  His co-accused 
are now in the SANDF (Mlandeli Ketye and Fikile July) and Mike 'Blanco' who I 
am told is now based in Pretoria.  They were arrested and jailed on Robben 
Island around 1984.  I met them there when a similar fate happen to the 
carefully made network of external/internal PAC and Apla programme a couple of 
years later.  
Jan Shoba was a member of the High Command.  On Robben Island the PAC collapsed 
the army structures and operated politically, and socially.  He served in the 
leadership structures and was a deeply committed and efficient operator of the 
PAC activities.  He coordinated the news analysis project and went on to get 
permission from the prison authorities to subscribe for the Zimbabwe Herald.  
We were well informed about current affairs - much to the contributions of 
Shoba.  They were released (in 1990 possibly) when De Klerk implemented one of 
the conditions of the Harare Declaration.  Jan Shoba was responsible for Party 
security after the unbanning.  He was assassinated outside his yard in 
Atteridgeville - his killers are still at large. There are theories about the 
identity of his assassins, but that is conjecture and a story for another day.  
My view is that he dedicated and sacrificed his own life to the cause of the 
African Revolution, and to serving the PAC with his whole heart.
Izwe lethu iAfrika

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 04:58:43 -0700
Subject: Re: [PAYCO]

I wish we could get more information about Jan Shoba, presently in 
Atteridgeville/Tshwane we are trying to run a project I termed PAC 
Atteridgeville Legacy Project wherein we will be collating information 
(biograhical) about the PAC activists from this township and see how best can 
we doucument it. The need for this project came about as a result of our 
absolute reliance on the veterans during commemorations, rallies and even 
funerals of PAC activists in the area.
As PAYCO in Atteridgeville and the region we also have a programme to visit all 
our veterans in the municipality in order to document their involvement in the 
party and furthermore ask them pertinent questions regarding how they were 
recruited and the likes. Perhaps through this interection with our veterans we 
shall bridge the ever widening gab between the present youth and the veterans 
in the PAC. 
I am indeed hoping for a positive detailed response from M'Afrika Seroke about 
Jan Shoba, so that when the time to visit the family to reconnect with them, 
politically and socially, we may have sufficient information to share with them 
about the involvement of "Zimbiri" and any other Afrikanist in PAC/POQO/APLA 
Izwe Lethu I-Afrika, Lest We Forget!

From: Mduduzi Sibeko <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thu, April 28, 2011 11:59:45 AM
Subject: [PAYCO]

Cde Seroke:
Comrade Jan Shoba became popular during our PASO and Azanyu  days. I remember I 
had his Tshirt with the inscription “ what the enemy oppose, support and what 
the enemy supports, oppose. I didn’t see him in person. I remember when he was 
killed. Please tell us about what you know about this fallen unsung hero of our 
national liberation struggle.
Mduduzi Sibeko

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