Mnumzana Mduduzi Sibeko
Thanks for highlighting the story of Hamilton Naki.  The SABC and Mzansi Magic 
channels flighted documentaries on Hamilton Naki recently, perhaps after 
pressure to indicate knowledge of the story.  Dr Chris Barnard and others can 
use the apartheid conditions as a cover but it will never erase the work done 
by Naki in the heart transplant surgeries in Groote Schuur.  At high school 
during debates in 1975/6 I remember some of the luminaries then referring to a 
Black man sidelined for discovering the ways to do heart transplant.  They also 
referred to Reginald Boleu, a product of teachers from Orlando High School, who 
was a mathematical genius studying to be a nuclear physicist abroad - but that 
he could not work in SA because of job reservation laws.  There are obviously 
countless others we know in our communities, who never made the news pages, who 
were suppressed and declared mad for inventing things under the jackboot of 
settler colonial forces.  
I know the story of General John Ganya.  He served two terms on Robben Island 
prison and was accused number two in the secret Bethal trial.  We all called 
him "General" in prison because his age and experience allowed him to be a 
general of an army of freedom fighters.  He was completely dedicated to the 
cause of national liberation, led by the PAC of Azania. In the early seventies 
when they were reviving the PAC in the country, he criss-crossed Southern 
Africa without a passport, even reaching the PAC head office in Dar es Salaam 
to talk to the leadership of the mission in exile.  He took messages from 
Sobukwe to Mothopeng to Leballo and to Mapumzana David Sibeko and Vusi Make 
(the latter two were called the baby elephants) and all other units of Poqo 
available in the country.  He knew villages in Dinokana in the then western 
Transvaal in and out including square metres.  I had worked in the area in the 
eighties and was amazed at this man's photographic memory and precise 
information on these locations despite his scanty education.  For me, he was 
what the Basic Documents refer to as the "cornerstone" that firms up and lead 
the African Revolution.  The cornerstone according to the PAC Basic Documents 
are the semi-literates and the illiterates, or in ideological diction, the 
workers and the poor peasants.  Ironically, Ganya is less talked about in the 
modern PAC.  Most of the Soweto 76 generation of PAC recruits were products of 
Ganya and Dr Ntshuntsha who died in detention in 1976.  Mothopeng and his team 
of revolutionary intellectuals used the works of Paulo Freire such as "Pedagogy 
of the Oppressed" to unlearn bad bourgeois habits of thick-headed teaching 
methods and to learn from the people in the act of teaching them about the 
revolution and social changes.  This information is part of the secret Bethal 
Trial.  The trial was secret because it was not reported on by organs such as 
the Star newspaper who withdrew their reporters from the case, and the 
harassment of others by the secret police.  Ganya in the trial becomes a 
patriotic hero, and his story needs to be known by every cadre of the PAC. We 
must then tell the Azanian masses about these unknown heroes.
Ganya sadly died several years back.  I doubt if the Party has erected a 
memorial stone for this noble son of the soil.  And by Party I mean every Pan 
Africanist and even the branch where he operated in Soweto or his co-accused or 
fellow political prisoners.  I don't suggest that his story diminishes the 
quality of the contributions by Hamilton Naki and his part in the Groote Schuur 
heart operations.  I link the two because Ganya suffered severe internal 
injuries during torture and in prison was a constant visitor of Groote Schuur 
hospital.  In a free and democratic SA I don't know what Groote Schuur means, 
but I know the contributions of these two noble sons of Afrika.
My open palm salute.
Izwe lethu iAfrika

Subject: [PAYCO] 
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 08:14:15 +0000

Cde Seroke:
Appartheid was more evil, severe more than Nazism and Fascism. Attached is a 
powerpoint of a sad story.
kind regards
Mduduzi Sibeko

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