Thabo Mbeki's leadership had its ups and downs, and it even affected our 
political space in the Africanist school of thought because he usurped that 
position.  In a way he became more Catholic than the Pope.  He even used some 
of our best brains to articulate changes in the new leadership in African Union 
programmes.  This position made him more enemies in the traditional white 
liberal and conservative fronts.  You will have noticed that most English 
speaking white South Africans have connections with their Rhodesia, their 
interest lie in the loss of their properties and further threats posed by an 
Africanist party like ZANU-PF - which Mbeki refused to denounce.  They also 
play a major role in higher learning institutions like Wits, KZN, Rhodes, Cape 
Town and similar others.  I therefore understand where you are coming from in 
your critical assessment of Brian Pottinger's book. 
The Democratic Alliance is a well oiled machinery and it will certainly grow 
its political supports in the Black communities because that space is left 
blank.  It has big business behind it, it is western centred, and in the eyes 
of imperialism it can do better than the ANC in government.  It is only failing 
to get credible leaders, and a critical mass of voters.  Remember that they 
have a sitting support of about 4 million registered white voters as a base.  
They are wooing the likes of Mamphela Ramphela and others who have an 
impeccable standing in Black communities.  Cde Charge-in Mabaso is right when 
he says their alliance tactics seem to be working - they've submerged the 
Independent Democrats, verkrampte elements of the National Party, and they have 
recruited highly skilled Blacks from the emerging professional class.  This 
history however makes them unfavorable for power.  They are not an alternative 
government - their policies are a variation of the ANC.  We could say they both 
behave like the Republicans (DA) and the Democrats (ANC) in the US, or the 
Tories (DA) and Labor (ANC) in the UK. 
The Azanian Tendency (PAC, BCM, & others) on the other hand, has done a great 
dis-service to the African people. Assessed objectively, we have not made a 
turnaround from the loss of ground suffered since 1990.  It is a clear case of 
moving from the sublime to the ridiculous.  The African people are in disarray, 
dysfunctional in every way, and are far from the decision making centres of 
power. The caliber of leadership as envisaged by AP Mda, Sobukwe and Biko has 
dissipated over the years, and has been taken over by the lousy lot. The other 
day I had a chat with Cde Lybon Mabasa on the mobilisation of BC in 1975/6 to 
vote Uncle Zeph Mothopeng as president of the Black Peoples Convention.  As you 
know, Uncle Zeph was also leading the PAC underground at the time, Poqo forces 
thought it was not a prudent idea and the move was not carried all round.  We 
were saying that had the PAC taken over at that time, it highly unlikely that 
the Charterists would have gained an upper hand.  Our failure has been the lack 
of development of a strong middle ranking leadership,  that interacts with the 
people and can do tactical level operations of our programmes.  We also do not 
galvanize leadership at grass-root level.  Our organisational structures, from 
the top to bottom, do not have the necessary confidence to lead the Azanian 
masses.  I argue that we have not mobilized enough resources and capability as 
a Party to sustain our input in SA politics. Everyone of us wants to be the 
head of the organisation.  With no experience and no grooming, such leaders are 
disastrous when at the helm of the organisation.  For instance, Thami ka 
Plaatjie as SG held several meetings with the Boeremag upstarts without inputs 
from his colleagues in the NEC.  The meeting is on the records of the treason 
trial.  So the head, in a manner of speaking, can wake up tomorrow to do as 
they wish.  We all know that Uncle Zeph - the choir/orchestra/symphony 
conductor -  consulted his executive team and his membership, even if he knew 
which way the Party should be going.  Bishop Stanley Mogoba announced in public 
the cutting of hands and other limbs to curb crime, without first discussing 
this 'policy' with the PAC, at the time when the Party had real chances to grow 
its support.  Letlapa Mphahlele is a proven lone ranger - they say quite waters 
run deep - and he is unashamedly driving the Party into a straat loop dood. 
There is no other way of putting it, comrades - this is the time of the 
anarchist.  We must learn from this experience so that we do not repeat the 
same mistakes.
Modern African intellectuals are known for talking in the corners and playing 
praise singers to the leadership.  They do not criticise and evaluate the 
performance of the leadership. They prefer to save their skins. We can also do 
this self-preservation, but it is our people who suffer from this inertia.  
Intellectuals have the tools to analyse the raw material from the everyday 
activities of society, and suggest the best ways forward.  From the church, to 
business, academia, education, and other social strata, the ideas to resolve 
our own problems are generated from these quarters. I suggest we use them.  
Otherwise we will complain forever about arrogant white intellectuals doing 
what we are collectively better placed at doing. 
Subject: [PAYCO] 
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 04:22:23 +0000

Cde Seroke
Yesterday, I read the book I purchased some years ago penned by Brain Pottinger 
titled ‘ the legacy of Mbeki’. With an expectation of gleaning an insightful 
account of what happened to the country during Mbeki’s
 tenure which abruptly ended in his recall. A number of thorny  issues are 
raised in the book, among them are the controversial arms deal, AIDS denialism, 
poor service delivery and the whatnot. At the beginning of the book, he does 
not mince his words  castigating
 Mbeki for yearning for a third term of office in two approaches which he 
refers to as the Putin option and the Abasanjo option. Even though the work is 
critical, but it is not balanced against the backdrop of fair criticism, I have 
noted something about white
 writers, no African will ever do good. hypothetically speaking if the DA was 
to dislodge the ANC from power in the next election. I tell you, there would be 
an euphoria among white writers and academics. I was saddened some months ago 
when the DA staged its
 protest at COSATU offices over the issue of wage subsidy for the youth because 
the upshot was  an African injuring  another African. It is true that we are in 
a pluralistic  polity which recognize the freedom of association. But it is 
very regrettable that
 some Africans have obviated their dignity and right to self-determination. 
thinking a white woman would support their course. even though I do not believe 
that the media should be stifled, but it is true that the media in this country 
is serving the interest
 of white capitalists. The same writer, critiquing the BEE and affirmative 
action, I am at pains to find out his position or critical pen about what the 
National Party did after it got to power in 1948 , when it uplifted 
impoverished was good
 then, probably he would argue, but with Africans its ‘reengineering of racism’ 
just to use his phraseology. Sobukwe is relevant, his teaching are enduring in 
our hearts. If Africans can be taught intellectual self-reliance, we could 
offset the reactionary
 forces of Herrenvolkism. 
kind regards
Mduduzi Sibeko

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