Cde Linda,

Pulling in unison and pushing in one direction provides us an opportunity to 
redirect the party. I concur with your remarks.


Matome Mashao

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: "Linda Ndebele" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 17:41:38 
To: <>; Mbulelo Raymond<>
Cc: <>; <>; MoAfrica wa 
Azania<>; Keith Moyce<>; Malinge 
Plaatjie<>; Lucas Masemola<>;<>; karabo mokgojwa<>;<>; Solly 
Hlubi<>;<>; KHOISAN 
SONTI<>; Cape<>; Siyabulela 
Ndamane<>; Babalwa Malawu<>;<>;<>;<>; <>;<>; kgothatso 
sithole<>;<>;<>; sindi mbele<>; 
tsatsawani chauke<>; <>; Dimakatso 
Moletsane<>; Maciej Radzio<>; Mofihli 
Likotsi<>; Excellent Rikhotso<>; 
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] The Y Road

Greetings cde Matome,

Wish to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts in repositioning and rebuilding 
our movement. We have witnessed your selfless efforts crisscrossing the country 
in an attempt to develop the Programme of Action.

Some of us are convinced that we have no other option but taking Left. We 
cannot lead our people to emancipation if we follow ANC/DA neo-liberal agenda, 
the right path of Y.

We need to reposition ourselves and PAC if we have to succeed in this difficult 
route we seek to endevour.

Rest assured son of the soil we are with you all the way.

Izwe lethu!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "matome" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:14:48 
To: <>; Mbulelo Raymond<>
Cc: <>; <>; MoAfrica wa 
Azania<>; Keith Moyce<>; Malinge 
Plaatjie<>; Lucas Masemola<>;<>; karabo mokgojwa<>;<>; Solly 
Hlubi<>;<>; KHOISAN 
SONTI<>; Cape<>; Siyabulela 
Ndamane<>; Babalwa Malawu<>;<>;<>;<>; <>;<>; kgothatso 
sithole<>;<>;<>; sindi mbele<>; 
tsatsawani chauke<>; <>; Dimakatso 
Moletsane<>; Maciej Radzio<>; Mofihli 
Likotsi<>; Excellent Rikhotso<>; 
Subject: [PAYCO] The Y Road

Attention: Members and Supporters of the PACAugust 2014
Re:The Y Road - Which way to go?
During the month of July I extended an invitation to our cadres, leaders, 
members and supporters for an effort at constructing a revolutionary program of 
action in leading our people to a bloody engagement with the system and then to 
I now wish to share the lessons picked along the way so far in executing this 
work. You will see from the update below that the extent of the rot and the 
challenges ahead cannot be resolved through simple answers.  You will also see 
for yourself from this brief that the suggestion that the party is teetering on 
the brink of total collapse is not without justification, let alone the 
suggestion that the party is distant from the masses of our people. 
First of all I wish to thank all of our members and cadres who took time to 
engage in the process of developing a program of action. I and all of my 
comrades are sincerely indebted to you in ways words cannot express 
I will keep this brief as pointed and brief as is possible to maintain brevity 
and sufficient party confidentiality and or integrity. This I will do without 
detracting from the thrust of the brief, painful as it may be to all of us.
In the end the conclusive outcome of this brief is a decision we need to make, 
that being - Which way do we go on the Y Road? This is important because it is 
my sincerest view that we are at the Y intersection where we need to make one 
call about which part of the Y Road we pursue. This will become clearer as you 
read through this brief, and I do thank you in advance for taking the time to 
engage and perhaps offer your input and advice.
The following are my very painful findings resulting from my visits and 
engagement on the Program of Action design:
The promise of money and the mini exchange of it threaten the independence of 
our members, both young and old. A few within our ranks, who have some access 
to money, have resorted to its use in the manipulation of our members and 
cadres to a point of denying them the basic right to think. As I travelled 
around the country, it became evident that many of our members did not have the 
right to engage with myself or any other member unless and until they have the 
clearance and permission to do so from the one member or a group that wields 
money power.  I would have had no qualms if this money group had the competence 
or will to drive the ship forward. The truth is that they don't have the 
competence nor the will to drive the ship hence their insecurity and the 
control of our members through money power.

This money group has mastered the art of not just bussing people to conferences 
but also of understanding the dire state of our members. The reality is that 
suffering and poverty is deeply punitive. While many of our members have 
sufficient intelligence and grounding to appreciate what the party needs, their 
hands are tied. The fact of the matter is that like all of us they need to eat, 
need a shelter, and other basic amenities. The money group has picked up this 
suffering of our members and they use it to lynch our organization. Many of our 
members would not even meet you unless the money group says they should do so, 
and many times if they meet you, they express views that are not of their own 
make. They have been reduced to shells echoing the master's voice, stripped of 
their independence and the ability to engage. This phenomenon is of-course not 
just within the party; it applies to the relationship between members of the 
public and the government too. It too manifests in the party in the context I 
seek to point out.

Many of our young comrades and the so-called middle class, are held hostage by 
this money group. It provides them crumbs enough to survive and to keep them 
tools for their cause. When they have to travel and or eat the money group 
provides the poisoned help in the understanding that in doing so they hold our 
members captive, denying them the right to think.

In order to salvage the party and place it in the hands of the revolutionary 
fraction of our movement, concerted efforts are required to extricate a good 
number of our members whose views are stunted and or sponsored by the money 

Another lesson picked up along the way was that many of our cadres with 
potential to rise have been beaten to the highest levels of fear and 
despondency. I do not blame this group. Many times they have been disappointed 
by the party, having given their all and every. While they desire and support 
the cause of the revolution, they are fearful of yet another disappointment. 
Their commitment is half-hearted preferring largely to quietly send messages of 
encouragement than themselves get involved or muddied in the work of a 
rebuilding program. Painful as it is I understand this group and their feeling. 
They have jobs to lose, incomes to lose, comfort to forgo, and they ask 
themselves - is it worth it. We indeed must make it worth their while to give 
up these false crumbs privileges. We need to inspire them by offering them a 
party that is steeped in revolution and unwavering in its confrontation with 
the system and its handlers. It is a challenge we must meet. Even myself as I 
travelled across the country that little whisper repeatedly visited me - "is it 
worth it or shouldn't you just live your life". In fact one comrade asked me 
the same question expressly whether it was worth it risking 'my money' 
attempting to do work for this party. I have to repeatedly hear this whisper 
even in my sleep. It is constant, I believe, in many of us.

Then there is another group who require work and a rebaptism. This group 
believes that our cause is parliament, councils and orderliness. They despise 
any talk of revolution, castigating any such talk as unprofessional and mad. 
This group is hard at work to turn the party into some reasonable vehicle for 
accumulation and comfort. They disguise through sloganeering when in fact they 
believe in the system and not in its collapse and destruction. 

Then there is a group, a comrade of mine categorized as the 'last man 
standing'. This group amidst all the challenges believes in the party, 
associate with it openly, work within communities, and above all still believe 
in the destruction of the system through a revolutionary upsurge. I have to add 
that this group is small, and I admire and subscribe to their line of thought. 
It is on this group that we must build and or rebuild a people's revolutionary 
party. A party founded on madness, unreasonableness and chaos in challenge of 
the system and all its institutions.

Another interesting group is the hurt and jilted. These ones have turned their 
imaginations into reality. Their life is a make-belief. In the midst of their 
pain they have found other persons and parties in whom they see the PAC. They 
have become cheer boys and girls of these parties as a way to soothe their 
pain, the pain of losing a vehicle of Pan Africanism. For instance, they see 
the party in Mbeki, in EFF, and many other individuals. I would not castigate 
them as this is in fact a cry for a home. Some have joined other establishments 
owing to this make-belief phenomenon.

The above are the painful observations I came to. I can tell you that talk is 
cheap, work is not. In every way imaginable. These are observations not made 
from a desk-top but from engaging in hard practical work on the development of 
a program of action for our people through a party.
This brings me to the theme of my submission - The Y Road.
We must define our mission, live by it and see it to success along with the 
masses of our people. We are at the Y intersection.
We have three options as symbolized by the letter Y:
The one option is to walk back on the Y road, step off into oblivion or 
reorganization in another form in order to pursue the party's revolutionary 
agenda and or another agenda. In doing this we will need sincerity and extreme 
levels of honesty to determine whether or not the damage done on the party is 
such that it can no longer muster enough courage to carry the people's mandate.
The other option is to walk to the right on the Y road, choosing accommodation 
and reasonableness with the systems and all its institutions. This is the 
gentlemanish approach, the nice-nice path walking within the system. This path 
would not upset the system, and it is content with the fact that we are present 
whether big or small, whether revolutionary or not.

The other path is the left of the Y road. This road is riddled with potholes. 
Its defining character and form is a bloody engagement with the system. It 
entails a direct confrontation of the system, the ruling elite and all their 
institutions. On this path many will die, many will be tortured and 
incarcerated, many will starve, and the country will go ablaze. Comfort will be 
lost and hardship will be the order of the day. Assassinations will rule, the 
oppressive laws will be undermined. The sky will turn pale, oxygen polluted by 
the fire power of both the enemy and the people. Many of us will not live to 
see the end victory. But victory is certain, however long it will take. This is 
the path of honor and service to our people. It is a revolution.

I have made my choice. It is the left of the Y Road that I want to take. It is 
the left of the Y Road that informs the Program of Action I am putting forward 
for consideration by our members and cadres alike. Our mission is the abolition 
of a system of deceit and robbery. A system that is based on the suffocation of 
the many by the few.  It is a path that must restore an African as a standing 
and confident participant in the community of nations.  It is a path that can 
and must abolish class subjugation and a class mode of operation in our 
society.  This path must supersede our fears and organizational trappings.
Like all revolutions, this path has no guarantees, except a guarantee of honor 
in life or death.
I decided, following my visit and travels to share this so that there is no 
ambiguity on what the intentions are, and the line of march.
This will also help everybody when inter-phasing with our program of action to 
understand our premise and outlook.
I again, wish to sincerely thank you, for your contributions in whatever form, 
and do hereby invite all of us to join the left of the Y Road.
The IOTA Program is the way!!
Matome Mashao - 084 709 2285

Sent from my BlackBerry(R)

-----Original Message-----
From: "'Mawethu Sidzamba' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress" 
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:42:54 
To: Mbulelo Raymond<>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; MoAfrica wa 
Azania<>; Keith Moyce<>; Malinge 
Plaatjie<>; Lucas Masemola<>;<>; karabo mokgojwa<>;<>; Solly 
Hlubi<>;<>; KHOISAN 
SONTI<>; Cape<>; Siyabulela 
Ndamane<>; <>; Babalwa 
Malawu<>;<>;<>;<>; <>;<>; kgothatso 
sithole<>;<>;<>; sindi mbele<>; 
tsatsawani chauke<>; <>; Dimakatso 
Moletsane<>; Maciej Radzio<>; Mofihli 
Likotsi<>; Excellent Rikhotso<>; 
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Re: blame game same as pretending to be normal is not 

Cde Linda

We heed your call and we have done everything possible to air views on this 
forum,brilliant suggestions were made, some discussions went well and some not 
,some are ignored understandably because there is nothing that actually binds 
everyone to participate,motivation is another story.

There is also hardly a time where we reflect on an event of recency where we 
could all or most of us be located at the same time and this has become our 
sole "meeting point" to either vent,gloat,cheerlead one another almost to a 
state of monotony.We always fancifully speak,which we should, of a programme of 
action which seeks to unite the movement and whose timing is always on an 
uncertain future date.

While an exchange of ideas is key and welcome, theorising is not all we can 

On Thu, 8/21/14, Linda Ndebele <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Re: blame game same as pretending to be normal is not 
 To: "Mbulelo Raymond" <>
 Cc:,, "MoAfrica wa Azania" 
<>, "Keith Moyce" <>, "Malinge 
Plaatjie" <>, "Lucas Masemola" 
<>, "" <>, "karabo 
mokgojwa" <>, "" 
<>, "Solly Hlubi" <>, 
<>, "Cape" <>, "Siyabulela 
Ndamane" <>,, "Babalwa Malawu" 
<>, "" <>, 
"" <>, "" 
<>,, "" 
<>, "kgothatso sithole" <>, 
"" <>,
 "" <>, "sindi mbele" <>, 
"tsatsawani chauke" <>,, "Dimakatso 
Moletsane" <>, "Maciej Radzio" <>, 
"Mofihli Likotsi" <>, "Excellent Rikhotso" 
 Date: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 10:34 AM
 My observation is that we are loosing hope in the
 PAC and in efforts to resuscitate it. I hardly see any
 engagement and possible strategies to get the party right.
 Little engagement has come forth to interrogate submissions
 made by cde's Matome Mashao, Nkrumah Kgagudi, Siya
 Ndamane and cde Ndima.We can't comrades give
 up on this gigantic movement. History will judge us harshly
 if we don't play our role in getting our movement right
 in our forward march to liberate our land and our
 people.Asingapheli amandla dear
 comrades.Izwe lethu!Kwame
 NdebeleSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your
 email find you!From:  Mbulelo Raymond
 Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 18:08:34
 <>; <>;
 MoAfrica wa Azania<>; Keith
 Moyce<>; Malinge
 Plaatjie<>; Lucas
 Masemola<>;<>; karabo
 Solly Hlubi<>;<>;
 Cape<>; Siyabulela
 <>; Babalwa
 kgothatso sithole<>;<>;<>; sindi
 mbele<>; tsatsawani
 <>; Dimakatso
 Moletsane<>; Maciej
 Radzio<>; Mofihli
 Likotsi<>; Excellent
 Rikhotso<>; SELLO IRVIN
 LESABANE<>; Lucas
 Re: [PAYCO] Re: blame game same as pretending to be
 normal is not helpingSone
 of the soil, these questions you are raising are
 fundamental. I wish the distribution could be wide enough to
 reach every PAC member. These are questions that must be
 asked and answered in every PAC gathering, whether at
 branch, regional, provincial and national levels.
 Thank you poqo
 On 18 Aug 2014 4:45
 PM, "Linda Ndebele" <>
 Greetings comrades,
 The critical questions we must all respond to, is how do we
 get PAC right? How do we collectively own up to our
 contribution to the current state of the party? How do we
 unite PAC before uniting with EFF and other leftist parties?
 How do we rebuild the image of PAC and its structures? How
 do we make PAC relevant to our people? How do we eradicate
 factionalism without destroying this party? How do we
 utilize the cream of leadership we have produced over the
 years for the benefit of the party? How do we make
 parliamentary and councillor seats work for the party not
 against the party? How do we develop a uniting national
 Programme of Action? How do we utilize our diverse talents
 to harness our party? How do we get out of the leadership
 struggle maze? How do we position ourselves for state power?
 How do we propose to sell our policy positions to the masses
 of our people? How do we propose to be a vanguard of our
 people in their protestes and demonstrations against
 government? How do we plan to proactively deal with bread
 and butter issues confronting our people? How do we plan to
 partner with the trade union movement in their daily
 struggles? How do we reconcile differing factions within the
 These are some of the challenges I believe we must begin to
 speak to if we are really serious about rebuilding PAC.
 I am inviting robust debate in this regard.
 Izwe lethu!
 KwameSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your
 email find you!
 From:  Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi <>
 Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014 18:00:41
 +0200To: Siyabulela Ndamane<>ReplyTo:
 Cc: MoAfrica wa Azania<>;
 tsatsawani chauke<>;<>;<>;
 Mofihli Likotsi<>;
 Keith Moyce<>;
 Solly Hlubi<>;
 Lucas Mmola<>;<>;
 kgothatso sithole<>;<>;<>;
 Dimakatso Moletsane<>;
 sindi mbele<>;<>;
 Malinge Plaatjie<>;
 karabo mokgojwa<>;<>;<>;
 Excellent Rikhotso<>;<>;<>;
 Mbulelo Raymond<>;
 Babalwa Malawu<>;
 Lucas Masemola<>;
 Maciej Radzio<>;
 Mapula Nkoana<>;<>;<>;
 Sbusiso Xaba<>;
 Mangaliso Mdhlela<>;<>;
 Mohlomphegi Mphahlele<>;<>;
 Dumisani Zwane<>;
 Lehlogonolo Digashu<>;
 Dr. Motsoko Pheko<>;
 Dumisani Mkhwente<>;<>;
 Mphiri Masoga<>;<>;<>;
 zweli cele<>;
 Nkosinathi Mngoma<>;
 Albert Mokoena<>;
 Metja Ledwaba<>;<>;
 Vusumuzi Silaule<>;<>;
 Tebogo Masipa<>;
 Narius Moloto<>;
 Ndade Mxunya<>;
 Michael Muendane<>;
 Tebogo Sekele<>;
 Ali Maphalala<>;
 Billiard Seth<>;
 Smoll Zondo<>;
 Zola Nyamela<>;<>;
 pac gauteng<>;
 jabu mkhwanazi<>;
 Malesela Mogashwa<>;
 sandla goqwana<>;
 Sbu Fire<>;<>;
 Tumediso Modise<>;<>;<>;<>;
 Lindo Thando<>;
 Tume Molomo<>;
 Edward Thobejane<>;<>;
 L Lekgwathi<>;
 Thabo cyril Zwane<>;
 Moshe Mahlomola<>;
 L.R. Mbinda<>;<>;
 Innocentia Mamaila<>;
 Pinkie Monyane<>;
 Jabulani Mothopeng<>;
 Wandisile Gajana<>;
 Xola Tyamzashe<>;<>;
 Sbongiseni Ayanda<>;
 phillip Dhlamini<>;
 Madosky Obama<>;
 Obakeng Jacobs<>;<>;
 Fumanile Ben<>;
 Vusi .Mahlangu<>;
 sduduzo andiswa<>;
 Xola Tyamzashe<>;<>;<>;
 butheyane mary serunye<>;
 Admin @ Pac<>;
 tumelo tele<>;<>;
 Lejoni John Kekana<>;<>;<>;
 Alton Mphethi<>;<>;<>;
 Nhlanhla Fortune Xaba<>;<>;
 david mabitsela<>;<>;
 Mohlomphegi Mphahlele<>;
 eddie mfulwane<>;
 Johnson Mlambo<>;
 PAC Mogale city PAC<>;<>;
 Phumzile Nomnga<>;
 Willy Fokane<>;
 justice mvakali<>
 Subject: [PAYCO] Re: blame game same as
 pretending to be normal is not helping
 M'Afrika Siya
 There are no neutral PAC members and PAC members not
 supporting the two feuding, now three feuding NEC groupings
 can't be defined as neutral. 
  We have maintained that the an inclusive PAC conference
 composed of all PAC Branches and members is crucial to
 resolve the prevailing political and organisational
 The entire Butterworth elected NEC must report and
 account to members in an inclusive national conference of
 PAC aiming to forge Party Unity. We know thus far, that PAC
 branches and members were misled and again turned to fight
 against each, as the PAC disintegrate organisationally and
 become politically insignificant as matters stand today!
 Also, we have advocated inclusove regional and provincial
 conferences organised mainly to forge unity among PAC
 branches and members. 
 To root out factionalism, we also advocated and urged
 that PAC member  and branches should denounce and boycot
 meetings organised to deepen internal party feuding and
 drive factional interests.
 We urged PAC branches and members to unite and embrace
 PAC Constitution and Disciplinary code to to serve as the
 principled basis for unity and political work. 
 Lastly, PAC branches and members should integrate their
 structures's political work in the daily struggles waged
 by African workers and their respective communities, so as
 to build PAC's mass based  character on socialist
 Generalisation has its own basic flaws, for it tends to
 combine genuine PAC members's omissions with deployed
 moles/agents, hence one has a serious difficulty with such
 an analysis and approach!
 Shango lashu
 On 8 Aug 2014 16:18,
 "Siyabulela Ndamane" <>
 My dear comrades,In
 my view the weakness of any decision taken in any platform
 is that if the majority supports it - it becomes the order
 of the day irrespective of whether it is correct or not . .
 . this is the unfortunate reality and this problem is not
 unique to the PAC it is the problem of decision making !
 If I may take all the decisions and actions taken by the
 organization since unban todate, this unfortunate reality
 has happened ! What give effect to such decisions is that in
 the PAC those who differ with such a decision becomes
 despondent, withdraws from active political work and those
 who implement the decisions becomes vendettas in settling
 scores against those who opposed/differed on views.
 This weakness has bred ground for careerists and
 opportunists amongst ourselves within the ranks of the
 organ. . .off couse there are other contributing factors to
 the weaknesses of the organization.Between 1990 -
 1996 intimidation was the tool used to
 force decisions in the Congress/Conference floor, the
 submission of some branch delegates to this intimidation was
 the sign of weaknesses on our part as individual persons
 and/or as branch representatives and branches themselves. I
 won't dwell much on the tangible facts of this argument
 most of you knows. . . e.g. the Revolutionary Watchdogs
 persistent criticism of the direction taken by the
 leadership did not sway the actions of the leadership - the
 decision to suspend armed-struggle was resisted then what -
 the pro and anti 1994 Elections chaos . . .with all the
 efforts to resist at the end of the day the leadership and
 decisions remained whether we liked them or not ! and most
 of all there were branches who supported and accepted the
 decision of the leadership whether right or wrong.
 Yes, many people have since distanced themselves from the
 organization because of the above . . .but PAC remained
 though bleeding ! The current situation (2006 - 2014) is not
 different from [(1990 - 1996) and (1996 - 2006)], the
 organizational and administrative machinery has been
 collapsing - the decision making process and implementation
 of those decisions has not improved - the branches and
 structures became more weak and some non-existent ! Between
 1996 - 2000 it was Mogoba-Makwetu problems; 2000 - 2003
 internal NEC problems; 2003 - 2006 the 'Talibans'
 and internal NEC differences; 2006 - 2014 internal NEC
 problems, Letlapa the 2 decrees; PAC Convention (cape town) 
 & INDABA (soweto), Butterworth Congress; explusion of
 Letlapa and councillors; internal NEC problems and Mphethi
 decree. All this happens with the support of some branches
 in both opposing directions.
 Each opposing side always has a reason to argue the
 correcteness of their view and actions . . .we have seen
 this since 1990 todate, therefore the blame-game is not
 helping ! One can raise all correct arguments in his/her
 world-view blaming the otherside - the otherside can equally
 do the same.
 For as long we don't come together and accept that
 our individual/collective views can win-or-lose an argument
 at a certain point in time and in all that the organization
 has to be kept intact focused to the ultimate objectives,
 otherwise we must just forget that the PAC will ever come
 right we will be stuck-up in perpetual infinite fighting
 blaming each other. I say this because those who have
 defeated argument today will not cooperate positively in
 implementation with those who won the argument and it goes
 on-and-on ! ! !
 One would think PAC Constitution will help but reality is
 otherwise we have been in-and-out of the Courts we have a
 pending Appeals Case as we speak that will be heard on 12
 November 2014; the opposing views will always interpret the
 constitution in the manner that suits their line of argument
 and the legal establishments takes even longer to rule over
 these constitutional disputes depending on how the legal
 arguments were presented.
 Understanding that going to courts was not a desirable
 action to all of us, but even those who did not take this
 route could not save the situation either, they become
 neutralists that attacks both opposing groupings without
 ever moving the organization forward. So at the end of the
 day we all lose the PAC lose because the opposing groupings
 will be on each others throat until structures collapse
 while those who claim to be neutral will be analysing and
 attacking those in the feud without real help in shaping the
 collapsing structure of the organization, I am not taking
 away the good, correct analysis and practical solutions that
 they suggest but they are always dismissed by those in the
 position of power in the administration as this grouping
 some of the time they are members not in goodstanding . .
 .if you are not in goodstanding it does not matter how good
 your views are they will remain in the pheriphery of the
 There is a serious problem in the organization, I will
 deliberately not call it a 'crisis' as this may rub
 some of us the wrong way. We can't tolerate each other,
 we can't coexist with our different opinions, we are
 deliberate vendettas against each other, we are defiant in
 disregard of the organizational discipline, our fight is not
 yet open over contradicting ideo-political lines rather it
 is more on our individualistic egos and personal differences
 that we make them PAC problems, those who are in leadership
 sometimes deliberately sidelines, settle-scores with those
 who contested them, those who did not get leadership of
 their choice spend most of their time finding faults and
 undermine decisions of those in leadership.
 All organizations across the world always have groupings
 within with varying degrees of influence in the
 administrative direction of the organization. To have people
 with different opinions on how things should be is not
 unique to the PAC. All organizations have that in business,
 politics, community etc.. That should not amount to
 FACTIONALISM ! ! ! Yes sometimes we get agitated and angry
 on how things are done especially when the organizational
 erosion is happening at a high speed as we witness
 I therefore, kindly request all of us to
 acknowledge that there is a problem in the
 organization of PAC and without being vendettas & being
 defensive we must elect to act collectively
 in bringing stability, cohesion and direction in the PAC.
 Let us all come together as members of the organization put
 in place concrete measures that will ensure
 organizational problems faced by the PAC since 1959 are
 prevented from happening again that include the personal
 conduct of each member in rank-and-file and especially
 leadership as leaders should show some high level of
 maturity in person & politically and be the guide to the
 rank-and-file and the Nation at large.
 . . . .blaming each other at this juncture is not helping
 the PAC. Yes! many of us in the leadership and rank-and-file
 has done wrong things for so long in the name of building
 PAC, with the current state of affairs in the organization
 no-one can claim to have achieved any formidable progress in
 all our actions, the organization is bleeding. ONLY the anti
 PAC forces that can claim progress at this hour  . . .as
 much as the anti PAC forces and infiltration to divert focus
 of the PAC will always be there, we have made the ground so
 fertile and easy for these forces to depeen divisions and
 expedite the total collapse of the organization of PAC.
 All of us we must accept differences, respect the need
 for criticism and self-criticism in the interest of the PAC
 and masses of our people.I am of a view that the need
 araise for the PAC to have all its members and structures
 fully subscribed and convene an INCLUSIVE Annual National
 Conference, should a need for the September 2014 Conference
 be postponed let it be postponed for later date and proper
 political work be done to ensure all structures (the
 aggrieved and the neutral) are on board. This particular
 Conference won't be the Electing Conference it must be
 the conference to correct all the wrongs and layout of a
 path that will take PAC to a proper electing National
 Conference with a clear Political Program to advance the
 struggle of our people. The mistake has been done whereby
 Congress/Conference it was in exclusion of other members who
 had hold a different opinion. In all fairness we can't
 repeat that again if we are really serious about the PAC and
 the struggle of the masses of our people.
 Amongst ourselves we have experienced old-guard and
 bright young minds who can be tasked to work as a collective
 doing that political work in bringing stability, cohesion in
 the organization with all structures on board (aggrieved and
 the neutral).
 You can ridicule and rubbish me on this point I won't
 lose any good night sleep but I am certain that
 'ridicule' won't bring stability and cohesion in
 the PAC !"Revolutionaries are not afraid of
 their own mistakes. They have the political courage to admit
 them publicly, because doing so means committing oneself to
 correcting them and doing better." - Thomas Sankara
 The decision of majority is not always right, same as the
 leadership is not always right, to be withdrawn being
 aggrieved and being neutral does not help the situation
 either . . .masinyamezelane bantwana bomgquba ! Lets work
 collectively to bring an end to the current mayhem.
 True leadership are those who are prepared to accept
 their mistakes and still turn back to correct them for the
 greater good of the organization and the Nation.Off
 cause this is my view it may not be the silver-bullet but it
 calls for a serious rethinking on how we do things . . .
 Siyabulela Ndamane
 mobile: 083 790 6470
 fax:      086 603 6470 
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