Let us remember one basic fundamental reality. Dishonest people always move 
with dishonest leaders. it is like the masses of South Africa they vote ANC 
today and tomorrow they complain about them and as we always answer you get 
what you deserve. Robert Sobukwe amongst others always emphasised that there 
was no point to continue to follow the mediocre of a so called ANC NEC, that 
was there in the ANC hence up until 1960 those clowns never pulled any 
revolutionary programme for once. 
For me comrades it is futile to engage further than here and I agree with 
Cde.Sbu if he is delegated to go to that conference nobody should stop him 
because once again he is not a subject here but rather a willing attendee. He 
sees value in attending what he call an NEC conference while other NEC members 
in the same region claims otherwise. We must remember that when the 
organisation lacks capacity to bring order in itself it can wake up having 
expelled people it dislike and have a blinded mob to support it or just keep 
disorder with the hope that it will have some faithful who will support it.
Cdes Siya, Ndima, Raymond and others there is no point to spend time trying to 
convince others not to go there. If you think is right to go you go if you 
don't think don't. But when you come back don't expect others who did not will 
waste time entertaining your resolutions or discussions. I did not go to 
Birchwood Conference and comrades who went there in our region told us what 
transpired and without describing how they felt about it we told them well it 
was on your own account you went there so it is not binding to us and at least 
they agreed because they themselves felt it was a waste of time.

On Tuesday, September 9, 2014 6:30 PM, Sbusiso Xaba <> 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sbusiso Xaba" <>
Date: Sep 9, 2014 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Re: d: Submission of Resolutions for the National 
To: "Tongogara Ndima" <>

Nothing has blinded me, including what you call my presidential ambition.  
I am still going (if delegated) or will be represented by my branch delegate to 
the Annual National Conference called by NEC. We will not be prevented by any 
decree. Those that think that we must not attend Annual Conference, should make 
the effort and convince us.  
We are going to conference not blinded but extremely clear about our 
recommendations to conference. We hope to persuade and convince other branches 
on the removal of the decree, transparency in decision making, clarity in roles 
and on public officers.  
Sbusiso Xaba  
On Sep 9, 2014 9:09 AM, "Tongogara Ndima" <> wrote:

Comrade Xaba
>We have not seen any form of you being harassed, I ask you is basic and 
>straight forward question. Your Presidential ambitions has blurred your 
>judgement, nonetheless good luck!
>On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Sbusiso Xaba <> wrote:
>It is nice to hide behind high emotional  loaded language. Especially, when 
>wanting to blackmail or intimidate. I will entertain neither emotional 
>blackmail nor attempted intimidation. We are not much interested in 
>personality cults either.  
>>Where are these many branches, You're talking about, Ndima? Branches that 
>>only told you? Why those branches have not attempted to persuade Tshwane and 
>>branches in Tshwane (no matter the number )? Engage us structural. those who 
>>have engage us found us persuadable and persuading. 
>>The view of Tshwane is unwavering. On the issues that should top the agenda 
>>of the conference. Yes, Bloemfontein Conference and other Annual Conferences 
>>that would follow in coming years. We are not married to our proposal or 
>>recommended  solutions. We will subordinate our ideas to superior ideas and 
>>we expect other members and branches to do so. We are sure that the Party 
>>must subdue self interest to its interest.  
>>We are under no illusion about the state of the Party, which is not the new 
>>state. Same state prevailing since the sixties. We do not expect a perfect 
>>Annual Conferences. Nevertheless, we make our small contribution.  
>>I must say this in closing, Tshwane passionately hates the decree. We are not 
>>reasonable on the owners of the decree. Decree is our enemy. It is 
>>unconstitutional not only in it application but its existence. It continue to 
>>manifest itself as the biggest threat to the party. Therefore, we will never 
>>recognise it. We are moving for transparent decision making, clarity of roles 
>>and structure seconding members not individual (including individual office 
>>bearer) - this is democratic centralism not dictatorship labeled democratic 
>>Revolutionary regards,  
>>Sbusiso Xaba 
>>On Sep 8, 2014 4:52 PM, "'Mbuyiselo Kantso' via Pan Africanist Youth 
>>Congress" <> wrote:
>>Comrade Ndima
>>>Since the unbanning of the PAC I have never come cross the PAC being in this 
>>>pathetic state of affairs especially towards congresses. Even if there were 
>>>differences in structures and NEC itself our congresses showed maturity of 
>>>members and NEC towards them. Any normal human beings especially leading a 
>>>party like PAC they will know that first you cannot organise a conference 
>>>when there is no presidency and other elected NEC members attending. On the 
>>>other hand the SG is an expelled member under the decree by his own 
>>>confirmed and once regularly paraded president in the name of comrade 
>>>On the 7th March 2014 he Narius Moloto went to court on two issues and that 
>>>was first to ask the court to declare Mphethi as the party leader and 
>>>Mbuyiswa Gantsu to be replaced by Narius Moloto as authorised person in the 
>>>IEC. Today their once touted President has invoked the decree they are so 
>>>embarrassed that he Moloto cant take it instead he fills he is above 
>>>everyone but I understand humiliation he is going through. 
>>>Any self-respecting branch, region or structure will never attempt to 
>>>associate itself with such an arrangement. We as the Sedibeng/Vaal Region 
>>>will never even entertain anything about the so called Bloemfontein 
>>>Conference. Comrade Mlambo told us that during the launch of the two 
>>>manifestos prior elections he sent Cde, Letlapa and Narius asking them that 
>>>he suggest the launches must not be done separately. He said Cde Teenage 
>>>told him that he appreciate the request but he think it came too late. Then 
>>>he sent Cde Narius text him asking if the request was from him and when Cde 
>>>Mlambo confirmed it was him Cde Narius just ignored him. 
>>>But like I said it will be unfair to blame Cde Narius for all this mess but 
>>>rather blame those who see logic and find sense in this chaos.  It is not 
>>>surprising when you see the behaviour of other comrades because even when 
>>>the Gauteng Provincial Conference was organised you could laugh your stomach 
>>> out, if you hear how things were done and how it was dismissed by the same 
>>>people who organised it. The same comrades who are attending these kind of 
>>>gatherings they hope they will use a crisis to emerge as leaders and it wont 
>>>Just like the Birchwood Conference whether you are a member in good standing 
>>>or not or a new member or a ghost all will be accepted as long as the people 
>>>can fill the attendance register that will go in court papers for the 
>>>November appeal. In short it will be all those who will attend such a 
>>>conference no matter how small who will be carrying the crusade high not the 
>>>SG. So let them close their ears and eyes and attend what is theirs and we 
>>>continue to explore stabilising the party beyond the jamboree!!!!!
>>>On Monday, September 8, 2014 3:02 PM, Tongogara Ndima 
>>><> wrote:
>>>Comrade Sbusiso Xaba
>>>Does this mean, you insist those few branches in Tshwane Region are going 
>>>ahead to attend Moloto (Less than Five) NEC Members grouping Bloemfontein 
>>>September Conference. When your peers in the PAC are raising the notion that 
>>>PAC cannot afford parallel and conflicting events which fuels feuding and 
>>>weakens the PAC? Are you arrogantly saying to all of us PAC Branches and 
>>>Members who want a united and focused PAC we are insane? 
>>>It was not long that Comrade Linda Ndebele wrote the following:- Allow me to 
>>>quote Lembede comrades for
motivation purposes
>>>" The philosophy of action must be the corner-stone of our policy....In
our ranks we have men and women of high talent and ability. Our poor,
disorderly position is not accasioned by lack of talent, but (a) by lack of
scientific organisation and utilisation of that talent, (b) by lack of
will-power. Africans! Our salvation lies in hard and systematic work!"
Anton Lembede writing on Umthetheleli wa Bantu.
>>>What are you going to loose if Tshwane Region joins many other branches and 
>>>members who will not be attending the Moloto (Less than Five) NEC Members 
>>>grouping Bloemfontein September Conference?
>>>It is high time we must put the interests of PAC above our personal 
>>>interests, Ma-aforika!
>>>On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 8:07 AM, <> wrote:
>>>>Removal of Clause 14 (Democratic Centtralism) is suicidal. This is clause 
>>>>encompasses democratic centralism and collective leadership intended to 
>>>>uproot factionalism and ensure unity and cohesion. Its violation does not 
>>>>warrant its removal from Disciplinary Code.
>>>>Comrades should remember annual confereces do not adopt amendments but make 
>>>>recommendations to the supreme organ (highest decision making) of the Party 
>>>>- the National Congress- for adoption.  Failing which, such amendments are 
>>>>unconstitutional, invalid and illegal
>>>>Izwe Lethu!
>>>>Sent from my Nokia phone
>>>>------Original message------
>>>>From: Sbusiso Xaba <>
>>>>To: <>
>>>>Date: Sunday, September 7, 2014 1:55:50 PM GMT+0200
>>>>Subject: [PAYCO] Fwd: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference
>>>>Tshwane lobbies your support. In the coming conference.
>>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>From: "Sbusiso Xaba" <>
>>>>Date: Aug 4, 2014 10:10 PM
>>>>Subject: Submission of Resolutions for the National Conference
>>>>To: "Narius Moloto" <>, "DSG @ PAC" <>
>>>>Cc: "Admin @ Pac" <>, "Tumediso Modise" <
>>>>>, "mashao reuben" <>,
>>>>"Lekgathi" <>, "Albert Mokoena" <
>>>>Dear Secretary General
>>>>In response to the updated conference notice dated 01 August 2014, the
>>>>Tshwane Region hereby submit the proposed resolution for the Annual
>>>>National Conference of 26 - 28 September 2014.  The region submits two
>>>>discussion documents (proposed resolutions) namely *Delegation of Authority
>>>>Code* and* Public Office Secondment Code*. The region believes that the
>>>>lack of regulations around this area is main source of conflict.
>>>>Furthermore, the Tshwane Region hereby adds an agenda point:* removal of
>>>>democratic centralism section (clause 14) of the disciplinary code*. The
>>>>region believes that this clause can be replaced be a new code such as the
>>>>delegation of authority code.
>>>>Revolutionary regards,
>>>>Sbusiso Xaba
>>>>Tshwane Regional Chairman
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