Hi everyone,

I bought myself a new computer HP Pavillion 3.0ghz machine with 512mb RAM
and have expanded it to 1gb of RAM with 160GB hard drive plus an external
120GB hard drive with Windows XP Home Edition. I bought Easy Media Creator 7
a couple of days ago and found it to be inaccessible.  I am using Jaws 5.0
with Elloquence.  This machine had RecordNow which I thought was
inaccessible for making CDs for both data and audio.  Does anyone have
suggestions? I hope I don't have to take it back to exchange for another
program. Easy CD Creator Basic 5 ran on my Windows 98 machine unfortunately,
I do not have a copy on CD-ROM so that I can install it on another machine.
I look forward to hearing from everyone soon.

Lisa Hall, Texas
President of National Association of Blind Office Professionals
A Division of National Federation of the Blind
"It's Not Over Until I Win."
-- Les Brown
MSN or email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home page: http://home.satx.rr.com/lisahall

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