Hi all,
Can someone explain what activeX controls actually are?  I ran into a
problem last week which may or may not have been the result of having
installed Spywear Blaster, which apparently disables ActiveX controls unless
you uncheck this option and do it manually.  The result was that my
soundcard began to act weird, I lost some Windows sounds as a result to some
change in the registry and it suddenly began to act as a single-channel card
and would not allow me to use the Ivocalize chat client, coming up with an
error saying I did not have activeX when I was pretty sure I did.  Anyway, I
uninstalled the program and did a restorewhich solved the problem, but of
course this made me curious as to what activeX is and what if anything this
has to do with my sounds.  Can anyone enlighten me on this?


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