Hi listers,
So far my experience with Nero has been limited to burning audio CD's via
the wizard using Nero 5.5.  I would like to try to do more and have
admittedly not read through the documentation as thoroughly as I need to,
but here are my questions so far.
1. If I want to burn an MP3 CD for playing on my PC, am I correct to think
that I have to burn either a data or possibly other format?  What option
should I choose and can I do this via the wizard or is it best to use Disk
At Once?
2. Can Nero burn .wma files successfully for later playback?  I have about
eight hours of archived .wma files from a class and would like to burn them
onto a single CD, is this doable?
3. What exactly is a mixed CD and are there suggestions for doing this
4. I need to find an HD backup utility and wondered about the pros and cons
for doing this with Nero.  Has anyone had experience with this?  How much
control would I be given of the order in which files are backed upetc., and
how might i potentially determine the number of disks needed for such a job
on a 20gig hard drive?

My apologies if these questions are somewhat beyond the scope of this list.
Any replies on or off list are very much appreciated and will give me
further direction as I explore the help files.


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