Skype for Windows version is now available from
 Here are the changes in this version:

feature: added hotkey to mute microphone
feature: Greek and Norwegian language added
feature: installer accepts /nostartup cmd paramater
feature: "start skype when windows starts" checkbox on Create
user/login form
feature: added 'send file' menu items to CallTab menu and call History
feature: FileTransfer - when no programm is associated to received
file, standard
Windows open dialog is displayed
change: new language files - French, Dutch, German, Simplified Chinese
change: beautification of send and receive contacts and critical error
report dialogs
change: e-mail addresses with subdomains starting with a number allowed
change: special text is displayed if user has contacts but none of them
are online,
and only online contacts are to be displayed
change: incoming call is not rejected any more if one auto-answered
call is active
bugfix: ShowEmoticons option working again
bugfix: Access Violation on cancelling FileTransfer
bugfix: "return" keys are handled correctly on Autorization window
bugfix: Manage Blocked Users window title corrected
bugfix: "Cancel" is now the default choice in Authorize dialog
bugfix: warning message if sending Messages not authorized by you
bugfix: smaller than 1kB files size is shown in bytes
bugfix: critical error report falls back to opening browser window when
bugfix: user profile fields length limited
bugfix: send contacts is finished clearer to the user
bugfix: big smileys with small d-s accepted (:d, :-d, :=d)
bugfix: ignored call is displayed on the start-tab as missed as soon as
the call
is finished.
bugfix: start conference title corrected
bugfix: error on sending contacts when other part had not authorized
bugfix: installer detected only standard French as French language in
regional settings
bugfix: main window got only partially visible status when opened by
click on tray
balloon on some cases
bugfix: authorization dialog unicode handling corrected
bugfix: authorization dialog did not fit long text
bugfix: avatars shown correctly on authorization dialogs
bugfix: double messages in Message window when reopening the window
bugfix: Skype crashed on logging in as a new user
bugfix: when logging out or changing user all FileTransfer windows are
bugfix: error updating existing speed-dial for a user

Regards Steve,
Skype:  steve1963

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