Hello listers.
I am in the market for a new musical keyboard with of course midi
capabilities to interface with my computer, but I would also like it to have
automatic accompaniment features.  Something with lots of styles and good
sounding instruments.  Above all, something as easy as possible to use as
the old grey matter doesn't work as well as it used to so the fewer key
presses and menus I have to remember, the better.  I am looking for
something fairly sophisticated with lots of sampled sounds, so I am willing
to spend up to $1000.  If anyone can recommend something they have had
experience with that fits the bill, I'd be most grateful.  Also, if someone
out there has the subscribe info for the midi-mag list, I have questions
that would probably be more appropriate for that group.
So far I have looked at a Yamaha PSR450 and a Korg PA50.  The PSR450 did not
have as many dedicated buttons as I would like, so practically everything
like instruments and styles had to be entered via a numeric keypad.  The
Korg PA50 I kind of like so far, but it is very difficult to know whether or
not it is difficult to use in a showroom.  Any advice appreciated.  I would
also like to eventually interface the keyboard with my laptop.
Best regards,
Rick Alfaro
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