My advice is to write to the author, Martin Pesch. The link can be found in the faq for mp3 direct cut. He replied to me within 24 hours to let me know that I had the wrong version of the program. I could never get the mglib decoder to work on my machine, either.
Cris Hall At 03:08 PM 20/11/2004, you wrote:
Hi listers,
Well, I thought I was making some progress with this program but now can't
seem to do anything.  I wrote a few days ago that I was able to edit and
split using pause detection but that I received an error when trying to use
the record mode that said I needed to install or configure the mpglib
encoder or whatever.  Thinking that I might resolve the problem by upgrading
to the latest 1.38 version,  I downloaded the most recent file and followed
the instructions to install the lame encoder, or so I thought.  However,
when I go to the devices tab I still do not see a choice for this encoder,
and now whenever I try to open a file I get an inet error saying I need to
configure the mpglib encoder, which makes no sense.  Thinking that I
actually needed to install it, I attempted to download it from the webpage
into the help file, only to be told that it was already there, so I don't
understand why these encoders are not being recognized.  I now have what may
be three different versions of the Lame encoder on here--Winlame version
3.93, a file that was required for a Goldwave demo which I think is called
Razorlame, and now this, so why can't these programs find them?  I'm running
Windows 98 se with JAWS 4.02 if that matters.  I really like the way MP3 cut
seems to work but don't know what I did to mess it up ... I've tried MP3
split and this seems muchmore intuitive if I can figure it out.  Help
please, I'm obviously running out of usable brain cells, lol.


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