Hi Folks  Can someone advise me please.  I'm trying to work in
multi-track mode in Cool Edit.  I have a 2-track .wav file which I bring
into the multi-track feature of the program.  that goes on tracks 1 and 2.
Okay, so I go down with the mouse to track 3 and put that on record.  So far
so good.  Track 3 records just fine.  So I think to myself, I'll go down
with the mouse to track 4 and do the same thing, but oh no, what it does is
goes over track 3.  So I try, thinking that 3 and 4 may be counted as a
stereo pair, I go down to 5, and, behold, the same thing happens, it records
over track 3.  Where am I going wrong?

many thanks for any help with this.


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