Tom and Danielle,
I see there are a number of responses to this thread so hopefully this is
not redundant.  I just wanted to suggest the possibility of using simple MP3
maker as a possible solution to the driver conflict.  It is a program that
is free and does not install its own driver so you might be able to have it
coexist with scipe without a problem.  I seem to remember others reporting a
problem like the one you had, and found that I had to reconfigure Winamp or
Total Recorder whenever I wanted to get into or out of a chat program.  This
was a couple of months ago when I was involved in an online class, so I can
relate to your frustration, especially since for me, at least, everything
was working fine until I somehow changed something that messed things up for

For whatever it's worth, I wonder if your problems with TR have to do with
the OS you are running.  I get the feeling it works better with XP, but Tom
and I have been emailing back and forth about our mutual problems with it
... I still have 98 and he's running Millennium.

Anyway, I don't immediately have the url for Simple MP3 Maker, but others
may or I'm sure you'll find it with a Google search.  It is a no frills
recording program, by which I mean that I have not found ways to append to a
file or to schedule recordings for times when you are away from the
computer, but that doesn't mean these things can't be done if you are
creative.  Also, like most other recording programs, it will pick up your
screenreader along with anything coming through your sound card unless you
have an external synthe or two sound cards, but even with these limitations
it might be worth a try for you.  Hope this helps.


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