Hello folks:  I have a feeling I may have gotten in over my head here!  But
maybe with the proper guidance, I can discipher what I'm supposed to do; I
downloaded new drivers for my old HP computer.  Now..I need to get them to
work!  Below is the contents to the "read me" file that I was presented.  As
you will see, it tells me to "right click" this..and click on  this graphic
and..well..like I said..may be in over my head!  However I will include the
instructions..and someone can tell me if this is something that is
doable..or if I need sighted help!  Thanks in advance!
Tom Kaufman
The updated files for your audio card have been placed in their appropriate
place on your hard drive.

In order to enable your new driver, please perform the following steps:

1 - Open device manager by right-clicking on My Computer and
    selecting Properties.
2 - Click on the Device Manager tab.
3 - Click the plus sign ('+') to the left of Sound, video and game
4 - You need to remove each device presented under this Sound, video
    and game controllers section. You do this by clicking on one of them
    to select it, click on the Remove button and confirm any verification
    to remove. If you are prompted to restart your system, click NO.
6 - Once you have removed all devices from the Sound, video and
    game controllers section, close this readme file and you will be
    to reboot.
7 - During the reboot process, the updated driver should Plug-and-Play.
    In the event you are asked to insert a disc or point the system to the
    updated driver, it is stored in the following path:

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