Which version of JAWS do you use, Daniel, I honetsly can't remember. Running the latest version of JFW, I have personally not come across these accessibility issues ... which isn't to say they don't exist.


Bruce Toews
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On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Yardbird wrote:

Just recently, I purchased the newest version of this program when I saw its
release announced on another list.  The reason I went for it was because I'd
downloaded and tried out the previous version, just weeks earlier, and found
its controls, settings and menus almost entirely accessible to my Jaws 6.0
under XP Home, with few exceptions.  Maybe, now that I think of it, I just
wwasn't aware of some features that Jaws didn't speak, but managed to use
its basic functions anyway, without knowing I could actually tweak important

But now that I've installed the new version, which I'd hoped would be at
least as smooth-functioning with Jaws as its predecessor, I'm disappointed.
Although the menus are still as accessible as before, the tabs and settings
in the modules for burning, ripping and, I suppose, file conversion (though
I didn't explore that function) are full of gaps and things that Jaws can't
pick up just moving about with the Tab key and arrow keys, as before.  Some
items can be tricked into speaking, if you know they're there in the first
place, by using the Say Line command, but others just are invisible or
completely impossible to make sense of.  I hear "blank" where I'm sure
there's a setting or control, "true" as an alternative to check about
something, I have no idea what, and the browser views and list views
involved in finding files and listing them to burn, for instance, are not
possible for me to figure out.  I just wind up tabbing around and around.
Once, I managed to create a CD from files on my hard drive, but I was so
confused that I don't remember how I managed it.

Has anyone else had trouble with this new version?  I've contacted the
developer, who wrote back to me very quickly, though he seemed surprised and
a little taken aback at my inquiry, and at first just asked if there were
some Jaws patches that could be used, or something like that.  I explained
that when possible, a program interface was coded in a way that let Jaws
identify its features, and when that failed, there were volunteer script
writers.  But that this was an informal arrangement, so that you can't just
order something to compensate for a poorly labeled interface.

I offered to help find him resources and links for learning more about
coding or whatever you call it to interface with Jaws, but he hasn't written
back again, yet.  I'm hoping to maintain a respectful relationship, because
I'd like to support his work, and the program seems nicely designed, very
clean, from what I experienced with the earlier version.

Anyone else have experience with this new version of the program?  I got the
impressing that it's popular with screen reader people, so I wonder if
others are having less trouble with this than I am, or know how to improve
the situation.

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